CHAPTER 20-A Clingy Boyfriend And A Messed Up Ex-

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    EMMA'S POV- -Play Song-

"What the hell?!" A girl voice said from the door, I opened my eyes to see Claire "Hm..?" I said with a confused tone. I tried to get up but I got pulled back down "What the-" I  was going to  say but someone else said something "Stay.. I want you to stay.." The boy that was holding my waist said "Hughie.?" I said while turning on my side to face him  "Don't leave." Hughie said while tightening his grip on me "Well she has to, and so do you! We have school in 2 hours guys!" Claire said while removing Hughie's arms from me, when she did I got up and took in my surroundings "No! Come back.." Hughie said to me while patting the bed, "No big baby! Leave the poor girl alone!" Claire said slapping the back of Hughie's Head "Aww, it's okay baby." I said and walked over to  Hughie, and kissed his bare shoulder, "We have to get ready baby" I said as I rubbed his arm "Fineee." Hughie said while dragging out the e and getting out of bed.


       I finished getting ready with 20 minutes to spare, I was sitting in the sitting room on my phone "Heyy Baby!" I said when Hughie sat down and immediately grabbed me and pulled me onto his lap, and nuzzled his face into the crook of my neck, "What's wrong hun.?" I said while combing his hair with my fingers, "Nothing, I just miss ya." Hughie said into my neck, "You were with me all night and weekend." I said as I pulled his face up with my hands, so he was looking at me. He placed his hands on my hips and pushed me down, "It wasn't enough." He said before kissing my swollen lips, my body relaxed into the kiss and Hughie's hands were going up and down my waist causing me to get goosebumps, Claire was at Gibs house so it was just us at his house. "You're so pretty baby." Hughie said into the kiss as he held onto me, "T-thank you." I breathed nervously. I pulled away and looked at him, "We have to go tho." I said as I got up and grabbed Hughie's arm pulling him up off the couch. I skipped out of the main entrance with Hughie trailing out after me.


  I was with the friend group and everyone was talking, I was talking to Johnny when someone stepped in front of me,"Uhm, I was talking to someone-" I was trying to get out but someone kissed me, hard. I knew it was Hughie, he backed me up into the metal lockers and kissed me while his hands trailed my waist, "I missed you. I missed you so fucking much. Don't leave." Hughie said while he wasn't letting me go, "You saw me before second class.." I said while looking into Hughie's eyes that flashed with love, "I needed to see you again baby." Hughie said while hugging me and putting his face into the crook of my neck, "Baby are you okay? You've been really clingy today." I said with pure concern and love, don't get me wrong I love the affection but today he has been pulling me out of class, stopping me in the hall, and never letting a finger off of me. "I just need you Em.." He said as he started to kiss my neck, "Okay, okay. We're at school.." I said as my breathe hitched and heat flowed through me, Hughie got pulled back away from me "Let the girl breathe ya eejit!" Gibs said while pushing at his chest, I looked around but my eyes stopped when I saw the one boy who was doing something that he said he stopped.. "I'll  be back." I said to everyone and I stalked away to the main entrance and to the garden wall "What the hell!" I said as I pushed him "You said you fucking stopped Joey!" I said as I swiped my hand over the coke that was on the wall and threw it on the ground, "Emma..It's been hard okay!" Joey said while sniffling "Bullshite! You said you quit Joe! You're about to be a dad and you over here snorting cocaine!" I yelled at him while pushing his chest, "Emma stop-" Joey said when trying to stop me  "No! Get your shit together Joey!" I said while tears started to swell my eyes, "I hate fucking seeing you like this Joe! You were doing so good!" I said as he looked at me with so much pain, "Don't! Don't fucking start! You don't get  to do that!" Joey said to me, "You don't  get to be sad for me! Your life is going perfect, mine's not!" Joey continued and looked at me with tears in his eyes, "You're falling apart Joe! You're fucked up! But you shouldn't be doing this too yourself! Your messed up.." I said as a tear fell from my eyes, "Get your shite together.." I said before walking away from him and walked back to the group while wiping my eyes. 


    I was laying in my bed with Hughie on top of me, tickling me because I disagreed. "S-stop! That tickles!!" I laughed "No! Not until you say you agree!" Hughie said while tickling me still "Okay, okay!! I agree!!" I said laughing so hard "See, I was  right!" Hughie said while smirking down at me, he was on his knees on my bed and I was underneath him "I like this view" I said while looking up at him "Mmm, I do too.." Hughie said while bending over and continued "Seeing  you underneath me, with sweat dripping down your face and neck and your chest rising and falling, as you get nervous.." Hughie said as his lips barely touched my ear, heat flowed over me "I-I don't know w-what to say.." I said as my breathing increased, "Don't need to say anything baby.." Hughie said as he removed his shirt and kissed me,  I pulled away and looked at him with love and lust in my eyes "What.?" Hughie said with a chuckle, "Nothing just wondering how I met you and got so god damn lucky." I said and kissed him with passion, God I love this boy, and I will willingly put my life into his hands.


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