CHAPTER 8 -Argument-

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It was Sunday night when me and Hughie had out first fight, we have been fighting for at least 10 minutes.. "I don't understand what you are telling me Hughie!!" I said as I threw my hands up in the air, "Emma, he is trying to take you from  me! But you're too blind too see!" Hughie said with an upsetting tone that twisted my stomach around, "He's not!! We haven't talked since Friday when i bumped into him! I don't even know why you brought him  up!! You  know I don't like him, you should understand that but you don't!!" I said as tears started to feel my eyes "He wants you, because ever since you showed him around school he think you want him  back!!" Hughie said while  staring directly at me "Do. Not, Blame this shite on me! I promised you that I wouldn't let him back in! It's like you don't even care about it!!" I said letting the tears fall, "You know what, I'm going to go home..  I-I  can't stay here.." I said  while grabbing my jacket and phone and then walked out of the Biggs house and into the rain.. I got home and went to my room, I was reading for about a couple of hors until my parents started yelling downstairs. It got to out of hand and I put my headphones on and grabbed my Ipod and played "Look After You" by The Fray and just laid down and looked at the ceiling, until they stopped.. 


      It has been over 12 hours since me and Hughie last talked.. I was sitting on the steps in front of the main building on Monday morning, reading a book and listening to some music until I felt a tap on my shoulder, "Hm?" I said when I took out my headphone and saw Gibs "What ya upset about?"  Gibs said while sitting next to me and nudging my shoulder "Oh, it's nothing."  I said and put my headphones away back into my bag, "It's not nothing ya eejit, something's bugging you.  What is it??" Gibs said while giving me the "Don't even dare lie to me" look and when he did it, it was scary. "Fine, me and Hughie got into a fight last night and we haven't talked since." I said while blowing out a breathe and put my face into my hands "Little Em, you remember when Claire was mad at me and I made her jealous." Gibs said while laughing, "Ah, that never gets old, I promise ya." Gibs said after his laughing fit, "Just make him jealous, plus it's funny seeing Hughie upset." Gibs said while patting my shoulder, "But, that's mean." I said while looking at Gibs from my hands, "Yeah yeah, I'll have Claire help ya!" He said as he took out his phone and called Claire, "Hey Claire-bear! Can you help Emma, with something? I'll tell you what when you get here, okay. Love ya too!" Gibs said while looking at me after he hung up, "Claire is in. Now go fix up!"  Gibs said while getting up and walking away, "Ugh, why am I friends with that eejit!" I said while  rolling my eyes and getting up and walking to the bathroom. 


"Ta-da! You look gorgggg!" Claire said while flicking her makeup brush "Woah... This is different" I said while looking at myself in the mirror, "He's gonna be upsettt! I  love making my brother upset!' Claire said while laughing *RING RING* "I gotta go to first class, I'll see you during passing period" I said while scurrying out of the bathroom and running to first class before I'm late. I finally made it to first class just before it started,  "You were almost late" Someone said from behind me, I looked behind and saw Johnny behind me and Hughie on the other side of the classroom, "Claire was giving me a fucking makeover.. Don't even ask me why." I said  to Johnny before placing my head down on my desk "Okay, jeez Emma." Johnny said with a chuckle, "It was Gibs idea.." I mumbled "Ahhh, now that sounds reasonable." Johnny said leaning back in his chair "Okay class, lets get started!"  Miss Jamie said as she began the class.


 I walked into the canteen with Gibs and we were talking when all of a sudden i tripped and fell, "Ow, fucking god! Why am I always getting hurt in this damn school!" I said while grabbing my left rib with my right hand "Oh god! Emma are you okay?!" Shannon got out of her chair and ran too me "Yeah, yeah  I'll  be fine Shan.. " I said while getting up and realizing everyone in the canteen was laughing at me.. "I'll  be back." I said as I ran out of the room and straight the bathroom. I was sitting on the toilet with my knees up to my chest and tears and mascara running down my face, I lifted up my school uniform and saw a huge bruise on my rib.. Ouch, I thought to myself.. "Emma, Emma?! Are you in here?" I heard Shannon say as she was opening every cubical door to find the one I'm  in. "Emma.. Let me in."  Shannon said as she knocked on the cubical door, "G-go away.." I said as I rubbed my eyes.. She didn't say anything back but I heard footsteps walking away, a few minutes later I heard a voice so familiar that my body locked itself in place,  "Hey baby, open the door." The voice said and knocked, I gave up and unlocked the door, I saw Hughie standing outside of it,  "D-don't look at me.." I said as I turned my face away from him "Don't hide from me" He said as he grabbed my chin and turned my face towards him, He reached in his pocket and grabbed a makeup wipe that I knew he got from Claire, he wiped my face until I had no makeup on at all, "I like you better with out it." He said as he put the make up wipe down and kissed the tear that dripped down from my eye and onto my cheek "I-I'm sorry.." I said while looking down, "Hey, it's not your fault baby. Not at all, now stand up and let me see  where it hurts.." He said as he let go of my chin and backed up, for  me to stand. I stood up from the toilet, I pulled up my uniform shirt and it revealed a big yellow-brownish bruise on my left rib "Oh baby..." Hughie said as he softly placed his hand on my bruise,  I winced in pain. "Let's go get some ice" He said as he grabbed my shirt and pulled it down over my injury, he grabbed my bag and grabbed my hand and walked me out of the bathroom.. God I love the man next to me...

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