CHAPTER 18-Love, Sadness and Camping Trips-

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       I have been out of the Hospital for a week now and at the moment I am with Shannon walking into the Kavanagh house to help Johnny pack for the camping trip  Claire decided to do for his 18th birthday. Shannon was helping Johnny pack and I was downstairs with Seany-Boo on my hip and Ollie talking to me about his day, "Ollie can you stop talking her ear off." A young voice said as it came  into the kitchen "Tadgh I'm not talking her ear off."  Ollie said in his defense "Hey Emma."  Tadgh said as he walked over to the cupboard and grabbed a cup "Hey Tadgh!"  I said while playing with Sean's fingers, Tadgh walked over to me and gave me a hug. "What's wrong?" I asked because Tadgh never hugs me "Nothing, just tired" He said as he let go of the hug "Tadgh, Sean, Ollie Stop taking my girlfriend from me." My boyfriend said as he walked in with Gibs and Claire, "Hey baby!" I said as I moved Sean to my left hip, and then I gave Hughie a kiss "Ya guys look like a family! Emma is carrying the child and ya two are married!!" Claire said while clapping her hands, "We're only teens Claire, and I can say the same for ya two! You have babies , and you guys act like a married couple." I said with a chuckle, Johnny and Shannon came downstairs before Claire or Gibs could say anything "Okay, I'm all packed and ready to go." Johnny said while looking at us, "What are ya eejits talking about?!" Johnny asked and saw that  I had Sean on my hip "My baby!! You stole my kid!" Johnny said as he came over to me and took Sean out of my hands "Hey! He liked me first!"  I said as I took Sean back "Can ya two eejits stop fighting over my little  brother." Joey's voice said echoing through the kitchen "But I had him first." I said while looking at Joey, "He likes me more!" Johnny said while taking Sean out of my arms and gave me a stupid look that made us all bust out laughing "I've know him longer!" I said smirking at Johnny when Sean climbed back into my arms "Mammy!" Sean said and my eyes widened "Oh no.. Seany-boo I'm not your Mammy-" I was about to finish talking when Sean said something that made my whole body freeze "Dada!"  Sean said to Joey when he came up to me with a toy for Sean, Hughie was standing in the corner of the room with his jaw clenched and arms crossed over his chest while glaring at Joey. "He's not your father Sean" Ollie said while I was still frozen "And Emma is not your mammy! Plus, Emma and Joey aren't together anymore. We know you miss them together Seany but Joey's with Aoife and Emma is with Hughie!"  Ollie said while having a big smile because he knew he was right "Y-yeah.. Uhm, here Joey." I said while giving Sean to Joey, "Emma wait-" Joey was saying but then I walked out.

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    I was sitting on the front steps in front of the Kavanagh household. I don't understand why I freaked out, I knew Sean didn't mean to say that but still.. Why does it hurt..? "Ya okay.?" Joey said while walking out of the main door and sitting down next to me "Yeah I'm good, just getting some air." I said while looking at my hands "Emma. What happened in there.?"Joey said while grabbing my chin and forcing me to look at him, "Don't touch me like that..Please.." I said while moving his hand away from my face and then continued,  "I freaked out because, when we were together I thought we would get married, have kids an have a whole future together. And when Sean said that it just brought it back.." I said and found out that I was crying, and then continued, "And then I found out that you are having a kid with Aoife and I thought, God it could've be me carrying that kid.." I said while wiping my tears away, "Don't take it to heart Emma.. I get it okay,  your hurt but you moved on.  You can have a life and a future with Hughie. I couldn't give you that." Joey said while looking at me "I have to go.. We're about to leave."  I said while standing up and dusting off my skirt, "I'll talk to ya later Joey." I said while walking inside before he could say anything.  


We  were standing by a lake when Lizzie and Gibs started to fight and then that's when it happened Lizzie pushed Gibsie the second time causing him to fall down into the lake, "Gerard!" Claire said while starting to take off her shirt "I'm coming Gibs!" I said and jumped in fully clothed "Why would you do that?!"  Claire said while yelling at Lizzie "I didn't mean to push him in..!"  Lizzie said while backing away, I grabbed Gibs and he was shaking like hell "Help! Johnny, Hughie! Help me pull him out!" I said while I took Gibsies arm and wrapped it around my shoulder and swam to the grass "I got him Em!" Hughie said while  grabbing Gibs and wrapping him in a towel while I climbed out of the water.. I grabbed a towel and saw that Johnny, Claire and Hughie were all accusing Lizzie and screaming at her, "Enough!" I said while holding Gibs "It wasn't  her fault okay! She didn't  mean too." I said while looking at all of them, "Okay, me and Lizzie are going for a walk to recoup, ya guys just relax and calm  down. "Patrick said while grabbing Lizzie and taking her for a walk, "It's okay Gibs, I got you. Just breathe okay.. Your on the ground again." I said while running my hands through his hair to calm him down. This damn day sucks..


    It was the day that we leave, and I was up and packing my things while everyone was sleeping. I walked into Hughie and mine's tent and started to grab my things, "Come here.." Hughie said in a raspy morning voice, I jumped and looked at Hughie. I was so stressed and I needed to get my things cause I have so much to do.. "Lay down Em.." Hughie said but this time he grabbed my wait and pulled me into him. "You're stressed and tired.. You need to rest." Hughie said while he wrapped his arms around my body. My body relaxed into his and I nuzzled my face into his chest while he rubbed my back and placed a kiss on the top of my head, "There ya go, just relax okay.?"  Hughie said and tightened his grip "Okay.." I said and closed my eyes, "I love you Hugh.." I said while I started to drift asleep "I love you Em." Hughie said and then we both fell asleep with his arms around my body and me being protected by him.


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