CHAPTER 19 -I hate you. I hate you. I hate you so much-

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       Ever since I have gotten home from the camping trip, Bella has been asking me about Hughie.. And every time I bring him over she is always up on him, and he let's her.. I mean,  he might not notice that's she's flirting but I do and I breaks me with fury. "Hey baby!" Hughie said while walking through my bedroom door, "Hey!" I said while getting up off of my bed and pulling my boyfriend into a hug "How is my angel doing." Hughie said before bending down and kissing me "I'm good, just tired." I said while hugging him again and nuzzling my face into his torso, my bedroom door opens and then walks in the devil herself, "Oh, Hey Hughie! I didn't know you were here!" Bella said while rubbing his biceps "Uh  yeah, hey Bella."  Hughie said while walking away and sat down on my bed, Bella followed him. I just stood there with jealousy flowing over me,  "Whatever.. Have fun." I said and grabbed my phone and walked out before Hughie could stop me.



      Emma had just walked out, "It's just us Hughie.. Me and You." Bella, Emma's sister stated while kissing my neck, I felt incredibly uncomfortable, "Okay, stop!" I said and pushed her off me, I stood  up and backed away from Emma's bed "I'm dating your sister! And I love her so fucking much that it's painful!"  I said while my hands flew into the air, "She doesn't have to know! We both know you're just with her cause you don't want to hurt her! I know you love me Hughie, don't  hide it from me."  Bella said while standing up and walking closer to me until she had me cornered "You know what Bella.. You're right." I said while my body froze, "Exactly." Bella said as she continued to kiss my chest,  "You're right, I need to  go look for her. Cause you're just making me waste time." I said and pushed her off of me and ran out the bedroom and out the front entrance "What the fuck Hughie! I didn't say that at all!" Bella screamed at me "Oh well.!" I said and started to put my shoes on until I realized she is probably at her spot.. I grabbed my keys and got into my car and started to drive.


I finally got to the place and got out the car as rain poured down on the white flowers and green grass. I saw her sitting on the side of the greenhouse with her legs to her chest and head down on top "I knew I would find you here." I said as I trotted over  to her and sat down, "G-go away." She said softly "I'm not going away, not from you anyway." I said and wrapped her in my arms as the rain poured on us. "You just let her.. You didn't even try."  She said with a sniffle as she nuzzled her head into my chest "I didn't  know baby.. I promise." I said as  she cried into my chest, letting all of her pain out "Y-yes you did.. I-I can't fully believe your p-promise.." She said as she pulled away and stood up and backed away from me... "Emma-" I was trying to say to her but she said something, "You don't want me.. Go be with her." She said coldly as tears swelled her beautiful green, hazel eyes. "Baby,  I don't want her!" I tried to say before she walked away but she was already gone.. Away from me..



      I haven't talked to Hughie in two days. I haven't seen him either but he messages me and tries to call me but I ignore it. I've been giving him the silent treat meant ever since that day, I was currently getting ready to go to Claire's house because she said that he was staying at Gibs for the weekend. I got my stuff and grabbed my keys and left the house, but stopped when I see my sister laughing in her car with Hughie, "What the hell.." I said as I dropped my stuff on the cold ground and started to bang on the window "Get out of the fucking car Biggs!" I said and looked at Hughie with fury in my eyes, "What the fuck are you doing with her?!" I asked with anger and jealousy in my voice, "Em, calm down! She just picked me up from the bar cause I wanted to make sure you were okay! You haven't talked to me nor answer my messages nor my calls for days!" Hughie said looking at me with  pure concern, "Yeah, whatever." I said as Claire pulled up into my drive way and saw what was happening,  "Hughie?! What the Hell." Claire said while getting out of the car, "Move Bitch!" Claire said to Bella who was in her way, "Excuse you whore!" Bella said as she gave Claire a dirty look, Claire started to yell at her and Bella retaliated back "Why are you with her..!" I said as my body sensed up "Emma, You know I want you!" Hughie said as he  cupped my face, "Emma  come on, I'm tired of this shit." Claire said while putting my bag into the car, "Yeah uh, I'll be there in a second." I said to Claire as I let my emotions get the best of me, "Talk to me when you figure out who you want.." I said as a tear falls down, "Em I want you-!" Hughie yelled out but I was already in the car, leaving this hell hole I call home..

-------------------------------- -Play Song- -SMUT WARNING-

It was Sunday evening and I was walking up the stairs of the Biggs house with my charger in my hands walking to Claire's room, I got into her room and then realized I forgot my sweater downstairs, "I'll be back, I left my sweater downstairs." I said to Claire and she gave me a nod, I walked out of the room but then someone grabbed my arm and pulled me into their hard chest, "Hey-" I tried to say but then someone kissed me hard and started to walk into a room, I recognized their lips. It was was Hughie, he pushed me up against his bedroom wall and kissed me hard again,  "I hate you.." I said in between the kiss and neglected what I was feeling for this boy during this moment "I hate you. I hate you. I hate you so much." He kissed me harder, "I hate you.." I breathe into his mouth, "I hate you so much that sometimes I can't think of anything else." I said while he stuck his tongue into my mouth "Mhmm.. Sure you hate me." Hughie groaned into my mouth as he picked me up and threw me onto his bed,  and took off his shirt. Damn, I forgot how damn hard it was to resist this boy. Hughie pulled my shorts and my shirt off, only leaving me in my laced  bralette and knickers, Hughie groaned at the sight of me, "If we are saying we hate each other now that I hate you so fucking much Emma." Hughie said while kissing down my chest, "God, I missed you." He whispered into my body, which sent shivers down my body. Hughie wrapped his arms underneath me and unclasped my bra, and flinging it somewhere. I tugged on the waistband of his trousers "Hold on baby.. This is me apologizing to you.." Hughie said a the most sexiest tone yet, I tugged on his waistband again, "T-take this off" I said and then kissed him roughly "Mmmm~" He hummed into my mouth which sent heat all through my body, he stopped kissed me and kicked off his trousers. "That's better.." I said while taking in the sight of my hard, masculine, built boyfriend that was only in his boxers standing over me, he took his hand and moved it up my thigh and into my knickers, I whimpered as he stuck two fingers inside of me. "F-faster.." I managed to get out, Hughie moved his fingers at an ungodly pase. After at least 5 minutes of doing that I felt the heat flow over me "I-'m gonna-" I was trying to say but then Hughie said something, "Ride it out baby.." Hughie said as he stopped his fingers and I began to rock my hips ad started to ride his fingers, I could tell the Hughie was enjoying this sight cause he got harder and harder by the second, I finally came and he pulled his fingers out of me and wiped his fingers on his shirt and flopped down next to me, "You think we're done.?" I asked in a persuasive tone, "You want to go again.?" Hughie said with a smirk "It's my turn to be on top.." I said as I pulled my self on top of him, I traced the hem of his boxers "Stop teasing baby.." Hughie said as he bucked his hips, I slowly slipped down his boxers and when I got them off I pushed Hughie down onto the bed so that he was on his back. Hughie grabbed a foil package and pulled out a condom and rolled it on, when he was done I got up and slowly placed myself on top of him, I whimpered while taking in all of him. I started to move  my hips and grind on him, moans escaped Hughie's mouth as he placed his hand on my waist and pushed me down so that I got every part pf him, "Keep going Em.-" He breathed out as I started to ride him, he put his head up and looked at the mirror that was behind us and he groaned as his head flew back at the sight of sweat dripping down my arched back as I rode him. He used his finger to move my head to the mirror, I moaned as I saw how hot it was. I came and so did he, I got off of him and flopped down next to him while my chest was rising and falling "You.. I want you." Hughie said as he got on top of me and pulled the covers over us. It was going to be a long arse night..

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