CHAPTER 26- The Flashbacks And Backstory-

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        My full name is Emma-Grace Marie Wilkinson. I was born in Donegal Dublin, on March 8th, 1988 at 12:00am. My twin brother Finny Steven Wilkinson was born on March 7th, 1988 at 10:01pm. It took me longer to get out cause I had gotten stuck somehow, nobody told me how. I had a good life until I was seven, that's when hell broke loose. My dad started to become an alcoholic and come home drunk and with a stench of whiskey every night. He will beat me and rape me in my room while my mam and brother were asleep, some night my twin will save me and pull the drunk bastard off but yet he wouldn't stop. In 1999 I moved to Ballylaggin, I went to I went to an all Girls primary school and then I went BCS ( Ballylaggin Community School) for my first year,  my sister Bella Frankie Wilkinson and my twin brother Finny. They went to Tommen Collage, when I was at BCS I met the love of my life, or so I thought.. Joey Lynch, he was my first love, my first kiss, my first boyfriend and he was the person who took my virginity. He was the one who made me feel my first heartbreak and to feel what being cheated on me with my best friend Aoife Molloy and betrayed me . He was the reason I switched to Tommen Collage for Fifth year. I had a fresh start fifth year, life flipped the right way. I met a group of friends who I love dearly Johnny, Shannon, Gerard, Claire, Lizzie and the one who made me feel like myself Hughie Biggs. He was the one who changed it all, who made me feel like I should stay alive. He helped me see the good in me, he showed me that I am an amazing person. Hughie and I became close, closer than me, Gibsie and Claire. Hughie told me things that he didn't even tell his girlfriend, and yeah me and Hughie didn't get together until the second month into school but he still loved me. One night he and his girlfriend Katie had an argument, an argument about me. That night is the night that I found out that he loved me the same amount that I loved him.  They day after we shared a magical and passionate kiss outside of Tommen Collage. It was down pouring on us and he pulled me in and kissed me, it was so magical. That day I knew that Hughie Biggs was truly the love of my life.

On January 9th 2004, my twin brother Finny Wilkinson passed away. I had just gotten home from a fun evening with my friends, that's when my whole world shattered. I walked into my house and found broken whiskey glass, and blood driblets on the floor. When I walked into the kitchen I saw the lifeless body of my twin brother, covered in glass cuts, blood, and fresh bruises. I ran and bursted into tears, I hit and screamed at Finny for him to wake up or at least move a limb but nothing, I got beat by my dad because I cared.  I had a collapsed lung because I cared for my brother, the brother who saved me, who reassured me, the one who held me when I was hurting, the one who made me eat and checked on me.. I lost a Twin, a Best Friend, and a Family member. It hurt.. But when It passed I still feel scared and alone, but I have been getting through it. I visit his grave all the time, I talk to him and sing to him.  I had this one period in my life where I didn't eat, sleep, shower nor came out of my rooms for days and then it turned into weeks. Until I finally let my friends in and comfort me, and then it was still hard but all the grief and guiltiness has sort of passed but I still have tough times. 

Right now, has been hard but I have been doing Collage applications and me and Hughie have been talking about our future. Joey and I have become friends again but we aren't close close, he has a kid on the way and I'm so happy for him! Life has been good too me right now. Yes,  me and Hughie have been into arguments and I have had stuff going on but Johnny, Gibsie and Hughie have been helping me through it. They are the three boy's hands I would willingly put my life in. They are the reasons I'm living, and I'm living for Finny as well. What and Eventful Year..


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