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This looks like one of the larger awards - lots of categories, lots of room for applicants

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This looks like one of the larger awards - lots of categories, lots of room for applicants.

I am pretty sure I entered Ancilla, Excavations, and an art book. By now I have two art books, but I probably entered Wild Is the Wind because it has more material in it. art? graphics? would only have had three or four pages when I entered this contest, and not an awful lot of art, relatively speaking. By now (June 5) I think the portfolio in that book is worth entering in contests in its own right, though, so I may do that. 

Excavations would have gone into Poetry, of course. I can't remember what I entered Ancilla in. It wasn't Romance...

Ah. General Fiction. Figures. :)

UPDATE - from the page that appeared in my notifications feed this morning:

UPDATE - from the page that appeared in my notifications feed this morning:

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Have not received any kind of notifications, so I think it's safe to say nothing I entered in this contest pleased the judge(s). At all.

Oh, well.

UPDATE (6/22/2024) - Holy carp. I repeat: Holy carp. 

ANCILLA WON FIRST PLACE (and some praise I was not expecting at all - I was giddy after I read this)

ANCILLA WON FIRST PLACE (and some praise I was not expecting at all - I was giddy after I read this)

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(cue the holy carp)

(cue the holy carp)

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Wild Is the Wind: The Art of Ancilla was not named among the winners, but the perfect score would indicate the same First Place in the "combined miscellaneous and sundry" category, the same First Place that Excavations received, also with a perfect score.

My score sheets and reviews - copied and pasted from email:

My score sheets and reviews - copied and pasted from email:

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