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Oh, dear. I derped on this one. I derped so hard that I rode the Derpient Express first class in a sleeper car all the way to Derpsylvania. 

Not only did I forget to create an entry for this resurrected award (I searched my Book of Awards 2024 - not there, repeat, not there) but I forgot who my judges were. And I accidentally gave one of my judges a shout-out and a sticker for her absolutely awesome WWII Omegaverse fanfic (you can see it in my SO COOL collection) and there's a good chance that will be taken for a bribe when in fact it was just me being an airheaded ditz and forgetting who my judge in the LGBTQ+ category was...


Anyway, I entered Ancilla and Excavations in LGBTQ+ and Poetry, respectively.

Excavations squeaked by with a third place.  No idea if Ancilla got anything or not. I'll get around to updating this page whenever, I guess.

Jeez, that was embarrassing.

Book of Contests (2024)Where stories live. Discover now