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AKA The Massive Awards, Round Two.

Since I did not see a hard limit on the number of books that could be entered, only on the number of books one could enter into a category and on the number of mini categories an author could enter, I went a little nuts with my contest entries. 

YOLO, right?

Ancilla - entered into Romance, also into minis Best Character Development, Best Sex Scene, and Best Writing Style

Excavations - entered into Poetry

The Broccoli Book - entered into Nonfiction

The Gilden Door - entered into Fantasy

Arkesh - entered into fantasy

"The Fire That Burns the Brightest" - entered into Short Story

"A Tale As Old As Time" (from Morsels) - entered into Short Story

And since I spammed Olivia, and Olivia called herself Dory in one of her posts on Wattpad somewhere, I made this image to commemorate the occasion:

And since I spammed Olivia, and Olivia called herself Dory in one of her posts on Wattpad somewhere, I made this image to commemorate the occasion:

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There you are, Dory. Have some spam musubi. You don't need to observe halal the way I'm supposed to, so it should be safe for you. 

Book of Contests (2024)Where stories live. Discover now