01. Win It

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*first story on here, i apologize for being terrible (: please comment and let me know how im doing k thanks if you read this i love you*

btw, the new jonas brothers single "pom poms" is fabulous ♥ i miss the jobros, so glad they're back ^__^


Selena's POV:

"Good game, girls!" Coach Frandsen calls out as she hands the sweaty girls towels to dry their perspiration in the locker rooms. I sigh and glance at my team mates who looked like they ran a marathon. The game didn't even require much; the girls' matches are always way too boring for me. Picking up my duffel bag and walking back out, I stare longingly at the other field where the boys are setting up for their game and find those bright emerald green eyes staring at me intensely with a smirk clearly plastered on his porcelain perfect-skinned face. Before I could even roll my eyes, the one and only walks up to me, his hard build towering over my petite body.

"Like what you see, babe?" he asks with a playful tone as those mesmerizing eyes scan my own.

"Don't flatter yourself, Styles. Just watching the field," I breathe out frustrated. Why I felt the need to explain to him? I don't even know. He rolls his eyes and return to his spot but not before whispering lowly in my ear, "I know you want me. They all do."

Although I really despise him, I'm not going to deny that his voice sends shivers down my body. Snapping out of the trance, I quickly heft my sports bag onto my left shoulder and found myself a spot in the first row of the bleachers.

Seeing me in the front, Harry smirks once again, "Wanted the best view of me, huh?"

"You wish. I love the game, not you," I call back. God, he's so full of himself. 

"Hey, stop flirting around Styles! We got a game soon!" Niall hollers, his Irish accent evident.

"Whatever," he mutters in defeat as he went back to practicing his kicking skills while the team from the rival school came to set up on their side of the grass. I smile in victory as I continue watching the boys pass the ball to each other until loud shrieks interrupt my observations.

"Selenaaaa!" I turn my head and find my best friends, Demi, Miley, Eleanor, Perrie, and Danielle coming up to me and sitting beside me. 

"Hey guys," I welcome them as I scoot over, making room for all six of us. I see Danielle, Demi, and Eleanor clad in their boyfriend's uniforms, the words 'Payne', 'Malik', and 'Tomlinson' printed on their backs along with their jersey number. 

"Dude, my step-brother is totally checking you out," Miley snickers as she watches Harry, who's currently distracted. Harry's mum married Miley's dad and now the two families merged together which kind of sucks since whenever I want to see my best friend, I almost always have to see the guy I hate the most. I turn my head to her direction and see that indeed that he seems a bit out of it, his eyes often wondering toward our direction. I turned around, scanning for any pretty cheerleaders sitting behind us or something, but I don't see anyone significantly special. Oh well, I couldn't be the reason either way. 

"Miles, if you're going to make something up, make it at least believable. We hate each other, in case you forgot?" I raise an eyebrow at her and as she's about to reply with some snappy comeback she's highly capable of, the whistle signaling the game's beginning echoed throughout the school stadium. Hallelujah.

My eyes dart back and forth as I watch Harry take the first steal as soon as the referee drops the ball down the middle of the field. His leg muscles clench and flex as he kicks the ball a mighty distance towards Louis who then dribbles it down close to the goal. He passes it to Zayn who scores the goal with one kick and Demi screams so damn loud I feel my eardrums shatter. I'm pretty sure the other girls are completely oblivious and unknown to the whole game and are only here to see the boys or keep me company.

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