11. Very Attractive

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*i actually tried to publish this 13 hours ago but the wattpad server was unavailable and i was erally upset bc i stayed up so late to finish it and it didnt even work uGH ((sorry for raging lol))*

im so sorry this chapter is so short & boring but its really late & i got in trouble :b im losing it a bit cause' i'm just really tired and busy and having a small bit of writer's block but i want to get at least something out, you know? thank you for reading, following, or commenting (: it means the world to me and really is my motivation to write more bc i dont want to disappoint people so keep commenting? (x and omfg, new pictures of perrie & zayn released they are so cute i just 


Perrie's POV:

"Why did Cinderella get kicked off the softball team?" 

"Why, Zayn?" I chuckle whilst licking my strawberry ice cream cone, which he so kindly paid for despite my protests. We are walking around aimlessly just chattering and Demi has not been mentioned once yet. I call this progress, seeing Zayn smile and have a good time. It makes my heart warm up at the sight.

"Because...she ran away from the ball!" he slaps his knees and I can't help to snort at the answer. Noticing what I just done, I quickly lift my free hand to cover my mouth. Oh God, that was embarrassing. What an attractive sound you made, Perrie. Way to go. You'll probably scare the poor lad away now. I mentally face palm myself. 

"Don't," Zayn persists as he lifts his free hand to remove my hand from my mouth down back to my side, "I like your laugh and occasional snorts."

"Sorry, I'm so dorky," I blush as I look away only to have him pull my face back to face his.

"Well, I find it adorable," he smiles cheesily and the growing heat in my cheeks increase. The effect he has on me blows me away; how can one harmless boy make a girl feel so many emotions?

"Hey, let's take some photos," Zayn reaches in the back pocket of his jeans and pulls out his phone as we make silly faces into the camera.

"These are keepers," he grins as he tilts his phone screen so both of us has a good view of the photos.

"You definitely need to send me a copy," I state as I stare at the outcome of our hangout.

"Sure," he nods and the images he shown me are forever etched into my mind. They look nice and I can't help thinking how much of a cute couple we looked like. If only...

Eleanor's POV:

"So, Selena's Sean," Louis bluntly states as he strokes his chin. My eyes widen and I choke on my food, nearly spitting out the strand of spaghetti noodle in my mouth. Louis isn't that smart, is he? How the fuck did he figure that out?!?!

"I'm sorry, but what?" I ask with my mouth gaping open in shock.

"Very attractive, El. Oh so sexy with that sauce over your face, yum," Louis teases with a smirk as I blush furiously and then grab the nearest napkin to dab my mouth.

"Sorry," I apologize sheepishly, "But how did you come up with that?"

"Saw it, heard it," he continues casually as if it was no big deal. Wait, saw it?!?!

"What do you mean?" I take a sip of the fizzy cider.

"Well, I kinda walked in on Selena changing, and—" I spit my drink out right on his face.

"Oh my God, you did what now?!" I look mortified at what he told me. Then a new look of horror flashes across my face when I realize I just practically spit my drink at my lovely boyfriend. I squeeze my eyes shut in humiliation before apologizing feverishly and reaching across to wipe his face with a napkin, only resulting in spilling his drink over his lap.

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