27. Green Eyes

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i really need to stop finish writing these chapters around 4 am. im so paranoid my parents would wake up and scream at me :b anyway, i just want to thank you so much for all the positive feedback! i love how you guys get into the story with me (: it makes me so excited to write more! so, i really like this song and i had a super fun time writing this chapter since it fits perfectly. note: a lot of things from earlier chapters are always thrown around so you might see a lot of past comments reoccuring in the upcoming parts. just saying (x 


Zayn's POV:

"Have you found her yet?" I ask, concerned as my girlfriend shakes her head.

"Not yet, I'm so worried," Perrie frowns as she begins pacing back and forth.

"It's raining a storm out there!" Demi exclaims, throwing her arms in the air.

"It really is," Harry comments as he walks in the dorm with his left arm wrapped lazily around Cara. 

"Ugh, why is she here?" Louis groans as he buries his face into his pillow. Immediately, the room is tense and I see everyone stiffen at the unwanted presence. 

"She's my girlfriend," Harry rolls his eyes, letting a sigh release from his peachy lips, "I'm not going to explain it to you everytime, Lou. Why can't you just fucking accept it?"

"There's no time to be arguing here!" Danielle snaps, creating an outburst so different from her usual placid exterior that everyone shrinks back in fear and surprise.

"Whoa, babe," Liam strokes his girl's arms lightly and pecks her cheek. 

"Selena could be either freezing to death or fucking kidnapped or raped or even killed! And what are we all doing? Just sitting here fighting over someone who's not even worth it?" she furiously breathes deeply as I begin to nod.

"She's right, lads," I mention, "She also hasn't been picking up her phone, which is odd."

Despite pretending he doesn't care, I know Harry does. Although he has Cara sitting on his lap, lightly kissing his neck, his head suddenly perks up at the mention of Selena. I knew it. 

Selena's POV: 

"So, where exactly are your parents?" I question the little girl laying next to me in the soaked grass.

"Work. They aren't home very often, only to drop me off at football practices," she shrugs and I observe her closer. She has light brown hair and freckles with light blue eyes; she's utterly beautiful. 

"Elaine, we need to leave, now. If we stay any sooner, we'll both have colds," I inform her and she nods, standing up with me.

"I don't have a ride home," she glances at the ground with her arms behind her back, tracing her foot in a half circle back and forth.

"To be honest, I don't have a ride either," I sheepishly grin and her eyes light up with a sparkling gleam.

"So, now what?" 

"Now, this," I scoop her up unexpectedly and hold onto her, gripping behind her knees. She erupts into laughter and giggles at the surprise and wraps her petite arms around my neck, riding my back. 

"Let's go, cupcake," I smile, before gesturing for her to help me pick up my duffel bag. After that's heaved onto my free shoulder, I make my way to her house after asking for her address. 

"And, here we go. Please tell me you have keys?" I look at her hopefully, and she shakes her head.

"Just kidding, there's a spare under the porch mat," she giggles and pulls it out.

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