02. One Way or Another

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sorry this one's a little bit shorter but i really wanted to stop the chapter there. i'll probably update again later today to make up for it c: please comment to tell me what you think! i'd really appreciate to know on your thoughts and opinions of my writing.


Selena's POV:

It's been a week. I've thought about all that I had accomplished as I walk to the field with my hair tied up and my cleats secured on my skilled feet. Telling Ms. Frandsen I quit the girls' team wasn't exactly what she expected when I asked to have a word with her. The team was pretty disappointed in me and I couldn't help but feel extremely guilty. However, after explaining and apologizing greatly to any offenses I've made, they seemed to understand me and my decision. So here I am now, approaching the five boys who are preparing themselves to observe the try-outs.

"Vas happening, Gomez?" Zayn casually greets in his uniform as he scans my appearance up and down, "You're really into the sport spirit aren't ya?"

"I can't try out without the sportswear, silly," I laugh as I study his confused face.

"Woah, you're trying out?" Harry interjects our conversation as he jogs over to us, his emerald eyes bulging out.

"Got a problem? By the way, widen your eyes any more and they'll fall out of their poor little sockets," I snicker at the boy as his friends join him in looks of dismay directed toward me.

"You do realize this is the fucking BOY'S team, right Gomez? You're really as crazy as I thought you were," Harry starts to chuckle as he shakes his head.

"I'm fully aware what gender this team is mainly composed of, yes, thank you very much," I raise an eyebrow with my arms crossed against my chest.

"Then...?" Liam asks lifting a hand gesturing for me to continue.

"Then what? I have no idea what the problem is."

"In case you haven't realized this biological fact about yourself, but you're a girl. As much as I'd like to mock you for looking like a boy, I can't, partially due to the fact you've got yourself a pretty nice curvy figure," Harry stares dead-panned at me and then cheekily winks. I feel his green eyes give me a once-over. Sick. I roll my eyes and snap my fingers to get his attention off my body. Somehow, his checking me out makes me suddenly feel insecure about my body. Stupid hormonal boys and their testosterone.

"Sorry Sel, but this is a boys' team so you can't join it," Niall apologizes with a small frown. I turn towards the cute Irish lad with a matching frown. He usually has my back!

"Niall..." I start as I continue to look at him, pleading with my eyes for him to give me a minute to explain myself and understand.

"Don't ask Niall to back you up. We know he's the little innocent softie, but don't take advantage of him," Harry snaps back, helping Niall ward off my disapproval and preventing himself from losing a supporter on his argument.

"I'm not taking advantage of him! If anything, you are," I defend myself as I see the poor blonde boy stare at the ground nervously as if it's the most interesting thing in the world at the moment. I sigh. I shouldn't be too hard on Niall; he has helped me way too many times and this is just one time.

"I'm sorry, Niall," I mutter under my breath towards his direction. He looks up and gives me a small smile and shrugs his shoulder, indicating to me not to worry about it and that it's no big deal. God, I love Niall—not romantically, but like a best friend, a brother who's always there for me.

"Don't think that'll make it all better, Gomez," Harry rolls his eyes.

Does he fucking want to mess??

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