35. Best Song Ever

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hello lovelies (: sorry that the last chapter is short and this one is too ): did you hear the new single? i absolutely love it and the deep reasoning behind it like this song is genius if you know its meaning (x anyway, this is random but lately ive been addicted to harry vampire stories, though not really sure why. oh & bit.ly/124FrRY  please visit the site! bullying prevention means a lot to me (: 


Louis's POV: 

"Hey, you're finally back!" I greet a dazed Harry as I watch him stumble into the dorm before lightly shutting the door behind him. His eyes flutter shut and he presses his back against the door, sliding down and softly sighing in complete bliss with a droopy smile on his face.

"What the fuck happened to you?" Zayn chuckles at our friend who's head is clearly in the clouds. 

"Guys. Life. Is. Goooood," he drawls out

"Are you drunk, mate?" Liam concernly heads over to the lad who shakes his head, laughing at the silly assumption.

"Just love drunk," he continues to stare off into space in awe and admiration as we all turn to glimpse at each other with confusion and smirks around the room.

"So, I'm guessing something amazing happened with you and Selena?" Niall raises an eyebrow and walks over, taking a seat on the ground beside the curly lad.

"Just some really nice studying," he grins and we all smirk.

"How much studying did you actually get done, Harry?" I tease and he scoffs.

"A lot more than you'd think," he defends himself.  

"Yeah?" Niall nudges him and he rolls his eyes.

"Oh yeah. I learned about the whole body," his lips twitch upward and I burst out laughing.

"Did you feel her up or something?"


"He did," Zayn smirks, "I can tell by your face." I chuckle once I shift my vision towards Harry, whose face now reddens after Zayn's comment.

"Oh man," I shake my head as Liam disapprovingly stares.

"It wasn't like that!" 

"Sure, sure," I wink causing him to throw something at me from across the room, making me belt out in laughter. 

"Hey, do you guys know about the girls' night out?" he suddenly speaks up and we all nod since our girlfriends told us earlier.

"Yup," I simply reply and Harry's eyebrows furrow.

"Do you know where or when?"

"They're going out about 5, which is now," Liam informs him as he continues to press.


"Why?" Niall counters.

"Just curious," he scratches the back of his neck.

"You want to go stalk them, don't you?" I straightforwardly accuse Harry.

"What? No, no, no! Of course not," he nervously stammers as I chuckle.

"Come on, let's go," I roll my eyes and snatch the keys off the kitchen counter, hopping off of my previous position and straightening my clothes. 

"Louis! The girls deserve their privacy," Liam folds his arms across his chest, not accepting our plan.

"C'mon, Liam. Don't you ever wonder what your girlfriend talks about behind your back?" I wiggle my eyebrows playfully and he sighs in defeat.

"I'm only going because I need to watch you lot," he qualifies his actions before reluctantly following us out. 

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