50. Epilogue III [The End]

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there's an amazing trailer on the side of the first page of the story made my princesszz34, or also known as karen, who i love very much ♥ she's also doublekproductionsx and karebearxjoe if you read harry/selena stories on youtube hehe i love her so much she's one of my top faves on there.

on another note, i wish i could've seen ed sheeran at madison square garden ): this is his first time playing a song off his new album and it's called "tenerife sea" or also named "so in love" and i am absolutely in love with it.

so this is it, guys. i can't believe i finished my first book on here (x it's rather bittersweet. a massive thank you to all of you who have joined me on this journey as i ranted and experienced new things (= ! i started this april 1, 2013 and now it's november 3, 2013. 

so, i want to thank you all for reading, voting, commenting, or messaging me and all (: i appreciate all your support and everything you've contributed whether it was just a single read. i didn't expect anyone, like anyone, to even read it, and i had forced 2 of my friends in real life to check it out for me (x so, thank you not just for mere numbers on here, but for giving me confidence and just a massive thank you.

shoutout to purplepancakes12 for being my first reader, first commenter, and first voter. also, i've got new ideas in mind, so look out for them (: i think my next story is going to be, "teenage dirtbag". and yes, it's harry/selena again (= so, thank you and i love every single one of you. ♥


Selena's POV: 

9 Years Later

The alarm sounds off making me groan as I turn and fumble around in bed, arm stretching out to shut the blaring noise down. 

6:30 AM. 

To my right, I see Harry sleeping without a care in the world, his lips curved up in a smile that makes his whole face seem so innocent. Carefully, as to not startle him up, I slip out of the bed and my eyes land on our bedside table, where my purity ring sit in a small case. It seems like so long I was hating him, pushing him away, and using my innocence to ward him off. A happy sigh escapes my mouth as I absorb where I am now--definitely not what I imagined years back. After I had changed, I peek into the two rooms that are connected by a sliding door, one I remember Liam and Louis had difficulty building for us. I silently chuckle at the memory and focus on the walls Harry and I painted; we picked a bright yellow-orange hue and a pale lavender; the former for Ed and the latter for Darcy. 

Darcy was a name that Harry just adored and I knew it was his dream name for a daughter whilst Ed was named for our favourite artist, Ed Sheeran. We were thinking of naming him after Tom, Danny, Harry, or Dougie but we couldn't just choose one Mcfly member. They were fraternal twins, which we later found out to our surprise when I realized I had double the pain than most mothers had said I would expect. Harry was overjoyed; after all, his balloon wish, hopes, and dreams came true. 

The kids weren't here and I sigh at their absence; they were playing a championship game for an outside team about two hours away around one in the afternoon, but the team took a bus trip to the area together the previous day to warm up to the environment. 

Harry and I are teachers at the local middle school alongside the boys and Perrie. I, no surprise, am the football coach whilst Harry teaches general physical education. Liam teaches music class, Louis instructs the drama class, Niall teaches Spanish, and Zayn leads literature and English class. Perrie and Zayn have one combo art class, while she otherwise teaches design by herself. 

Danielle became a professional dancer, so she tours a bit and isn't home at times; Eleanor's a part-time model thanks to connections through Cara and Drew. Demi and Miley teamed up and are now a small music group; they perform alongside Nick and his brothers. They both keep their relationships growing despite distance and still make time to communicate with us. The couples married shortly after us and some of them had little toddlers. Tyler and Dylan are taking up Beckham's job as he retired from being a constant player. Elaine's a top model now; I literally see her in almost every other magazine. The employee at McDonald's is now the manager, and he often sneaks free toys for me to give to Darcy and Ed whenever I bring the two in for chicken nuggets. 

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