47. Back For You

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heey! so its like 3am and im superrrrrr tired /: i was typing part of this and i just completely knocked out for a bit so sorry if its super short and crappy or if theres mistakes in the second half. and sorry for those i told i would post this by friday night, i just really passed out from exhaustion :b THANKS THANKS THANKS FOR READING THIS STORY AND FOR CONTINOUSLY SUPPORTING ME (': THIS IS NOT THE END YET. but, this is the last chapter before the 3-part epilogue begins )': 


Harry's POV: 

"Harry, you can't just fucking lie here all day," Zayn sighs as he walks in the silent room.

"Yes, I can," I scoff. What if Perrie was on the other side of the world? He'd do the same. 

"Can we at least turn on the radio?" Niall complains at the quiet tension in the air as Miley nods, "Amen." She lifts her head, signaling to Demi to spin the dial and search through the stations. Demi contemplates what song she's in the mood for before her fingers finally pause on one tune.

"I've been trying to do it right, I've been living a lonely life"

"Change the song now," I demand in a harsh tone as memories of the first time we danced together flashes through my mind.

"But I like this song," she pouts as my eyes harden at her.

"Too fucking bad," I practically spit as she huffs and changes the song, though it isn't much better.

"Do, do, do, do-do-do"

"Turn the radio off right now!" I yell, my voice a combination of a growl and a scolding. I know my sudden outburst probably scared the girls and even the guys; hell, I'm being even more aggressive than I did when I found out Selena was Sean. 

It's just that, this one is the worst. This song basically embodies everything about Selena and I really cannot handle being reminded about her when I can't feel her embrace beside me.

"Harry, your sister came to visit," Louis attempts to clear the stress in the room and for the first time in days, I sit up and notice Gemma sitting in the corner of the room as she chats with Perrie. Her eyes meet mine from across the room and I know she's so damn disappointed in my behavior towards my friends; to avoid the guilt she's building up in my conscience, I look away in another direction. I spot Eleanor cuddling against Louis's arm and the sight of their closeness enhances the ache inside of me, the ache for the proximity of Selena.

"Did you pack for Paris yet, Harry?" Perrie tilts her head in curiosity, knocking me out of my thoughts as I glance at her with a look that read somewhere along the lines of, "What do you think?"

"No," I purse my parched lips as I await the blowing words I predicted would follow.

"It's all right."

Wait, what? 

"Sadly, our trip is cancelled. The whole flight isn't going to happen and all the supposed passengers got a refund," she sighs, "too bad."

At least that's one worry off my mind. I don't have to go anywhere without Selena. 

"I really wanted to go on a beach this summer, though," Louis frowns.

"Here's a thought," Gemma raises her eyebrow and rolls her eyes like we're oblivious idiots, "why don't you guys stay in California? First, there are beaches, tons really. And most importantly, Selena's there? It only seems logical."

Wait, that's a really good fucking idea. 

"And, we can all rent the apartment across. It's big enough for all of us and we can all pay the rent. Selena can come stay with us too and she won't be lonely or with that many guys," my tone is genuine and kind for the first time in days as I grow excited and enthusiastic about the idea.

Score ✪ ((Harry Styles/Selena Gomez))Where stories live. Discover now