08. It Never Stops

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i tried to write this and post this thursday, so like i didn't nap and attempted to finish my homework early but it didnt work out. i tried to get this up before friday ended, but for some reason, i always finish stories around 1-4 so sorry :x i think this one's longer so hopefully that makes up for it? please dont hate me again, ill update tomorrow or later again today! btw omfg, did you see the video of the boys ((minus zayn since he was hanging with perrie)) playing football at newcastle? I LAUGHED SO HARD WHEN THE GUY SAID HARRY WAS AWFUL AND THE WORST PLAYER HAHAHA AND WHEN HE MISSED THE BALL SO MANY TIMES ((i found a gif version omfg LOL)) IDK HE'S SO CUTE HAHA


Harry's POV:

I don't know how long I stood there with my body pressed against the wall, my slumping figure sliding down the wall as I bury my face in my hands, muffling the inhuman cries erupting from my shaking self. Perhaps half an hour later, I stand up and rub my wet cheeks with the back of my left arm and sniffle; I don't recollect crying this hard over anything for as long as I could remember. I don't even know why she has this effect on me. After calming down a bit, I make my way back to my room to see the boys.

As I enter, their loud cheeriness and chatter die down at the sight of me. Suddenly, the room feels small, with the deafening silence and their worried expressions as they scrutinize my face.

Being the most sensitive and caring one, Liam speaks up for the rest of my friends, "What...happened mate?"

"I...uh...I-I-," I stumble, unable to string together coherent sentences. They send me apologetic smiles and motion me to sit down and take in deep breaths and only to continue when I am ready. I love these guys; they are my best friends and the brothers I wish I had but never did. They'll always be there for me and I'll always be there for them. 

"Selena...and I got in this fight. I was going to ask her to come to my house for dinner, but she brought up the whole 'I want to be on the boys' team' thing again and I don't know, I guess I just got frustrated so I kinda yelled at her? Then, we started arguing and she told me she hated me before and still do and she started crying and I just I...I felt so broken and bad," I stammer, speaking quickly, trying to get the whole story out all at once.

"It's not your fault, man," Louis tries to rub my back repeatedly in a comforting manner but I still feel terrible.

"No, you don't get it, Louis. I really care about Selena and her crying is the most fucking worst thing I've ever had to experience in my whole damn life! I hate that I, of all the fucking 7 billion population of the world, was the reason for her puffy, red eyes and she looked so hurt, you don't even know how it feels, to see the girl you want so desperately, intentionally run away, far away as possible from you," I don't even realize that I'm screaming and crying once again. I expect to see hurt faces from my sudden outburst, but to my surprise, the boys just engulf me in a bone-crashing hug as I continue to sob like there's no tomorrow. Although I was crying so much just earlier, it seems like the water works in me, just doesn't stop. Feeling the warmth of my boys' arms makes me feel slightly more comfortable. This is just what I need. 

Selena's POV:

After wiping away my tears, I try to take a deep breath of air as I slip off my Eeyore slippers and hold them together in my left hand. I have no idea where I'm going; I'm just letting my bare feet take me wherever as I run aimlessly. I know if I head back to my room, the girls will just bombard me with questions and that's not what I really want at the moment. If they get the idea that I don't want to talk, I know they'll understand and leave me to myself for a while but I just don't want to be near people who know me or Harry remotely well.

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