40. Weak

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im still having post concert depression i feel so empty and i wish i can just go relive the night again, seriously. if you haven't seen your idols in person, you're missing out on life. random, but I AM EXTREMELY IRRITATED THAT SELENA WON FEMALE HOTTIE AND HARRY WON MALE HOTTIE AND THEY DID NOT MAKE ANY INTERFACE OR CONTACT LIKE WHERE IS MY PICTURE OR CONVERSATION WHAT THE HECK like cmon tcas, you only had one job. but on the brightside, did you see harry twerk?? I CAN'T STOP LAUGHING I LOVE HIM SO MUCH HE HAS NO SHAME oh & sorry its short! btw, i might upload slower since im on vacation until like monday ):  


Selena's POV: 

"Emily! Wes!" I watch amusedly as the kids immediately crawl off of us as they scamper downstairs towards the sound of my mother's voice.

"So, why aren't we married yet?" Harry teases with a smirk as he nudges my side with his elbow, making me scoff and push him back.

"Very funny," I shake my head as I fall back onto my bed, lying there as I stare at the ceiling at the glow in the dark star stickers I had placed up there as a kid. 

"Are you tired?" he questions caringly as he pushes away a strand of hair from my face and caresses the cup of my cheek. 

"I slept well last night, so no," I reply back as I sit up again, sighing. 


"Nothing. It just smells so...nice."

"I agree. It smells like you," he points out as he sniffs the air, causing me to stifle my fitful laughter.


"Your nose. It twitched when you were smelling," I giggle as his face scrunches up.

"You're so stupid."

"I know," I stand back up and he immediately jumps up.

"I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to say that. Don't leave me," he rushes out as his hand searches desperately for mine before grabbing onto my hand. Oh. He's weak.

"I wasn't leaving you, chill out. I was just getting up," I laugh at him as he suddenly turns a few shades of red darker, diverting his eyes towards the ground. I watch the flames fly up his face before tilting his head up and pecking his cheek.

"It's okay. I think it's kinda cute," I slowly open the door and lead him downstairs to the kitchen where I see my mum and Brian tying Emily's hair up as Wes leans excitedly on the marble counter.

"Glad to see you guys could join us," Brian raises an eyebrow as I blush and look away, causing everyone in the kitchen to laugh. 

"You know, Harry, Selena's half Italian," my mum grins widely as Harry nods before sneaking a glance at me.

"I'm Italian and we Italians love our pizza and pasta," she begins.

"I want pizza!" Wes cheers as my mum laughs, "And we will make some. Here." She tosses the two of us aprons, one for each of us. Harry got the plain white one with a few old flour stains from previous uses and I received a mint green one with...cats with bow-ties printed over and over.

"Mum," I groan in embarrassment as I reluctantly tie the backstrings around my neck and waist before giving her a look that reads "are you serious?".

"What? You always loved using that apron. Now, come on, let's start," she commands as we all take a small chunk of the huge dough ball that Brian yielded. Harry looks utterly confused and lost as I try to swallow down my laughter; though he doesn't realize it, I can feel him watching me intently as my hands roll around and shape the dough, covering it in flour as I go along. Emily and Wes create small balls as they hold the spheric dough in between the palms of their left and right hands. Harry's the only lost one. After I'm done flattening my dough, I turn to him with my now dusty hands on my apron.

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