44. Shine A Light

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oh my god, you guys ◔◡◔ MASSIVE THANKS FOR 100K + READS OH MY AOSDJEWORE i like literally cried. thank you so so so much! (= soo, i think the video is so fitting especially since it's their concert in manchester! whoohoo. shine a light was actually the first song i've ever heard from mcfly (': sorry this is so short! but it just had to be (x and um yeah. had a bad week as per usual, but you guys seriously made my day. i love you xx


Harry's POV: 

"Are you just going to stay here all night?" Eleanor raises an eyebrow at me as I smile sheepishly, nodding my head shyly. 

"Pretty much," I shrug as I glance down at Selena who fell asleep in my grasp, her hair sprawled all around my lap as her head rests peacefully. Yeah, I'm never letting go.

"Go back to your room," Miley groans as she rolls her eyes, attempting to pull me apart from the sleeping angel.

"No," I whine in protest but am nonetheless peeled from her placid, breathing body.

"You can see her tomorrow," Perrie shoves me out the door and before I can even say another word, I am greeted with the slam of the door. Unwilling to give up, I continue pounding the door, only stopping at Demi's menancing words, threatening to call the school guards. Damn.

With my hands wrapped behind my head, I slowly amble back towards my own dorm with thoughts clouded in my head. There's only one week left before Selena leaves for California. I need to make the best of this week. 

My arms drop to my sides limply as I fumble around the butt-pocket of my jeans for keys to unlock the door; after the game, we alternated turns in the shower and I managed to change into fresh clothes. A smile comes to my face as I remember how we simply cuddled on her bed, talking and just mumbling about little things in life in each other's sweet, warm embraces. Fuck, I'm going to miss her so much. 

Sighing, I finally push through the door only to be bombarded with raised eyebrows from the rest of the lads.

"What?" I hesitantly shut the door and head towards the laptop on the bare desk, taking a seat on the lime green swivel chair. With a shake of the wireless mouse, I bring the device to life as it hums pleasantly with its bright and welcoming screen. 

"So, you and Selena, eh?" Louis winks as Zayn continously pokes me.

"Yeah," I roll my eyes at them yet I can't contain the fighting smile. 

"Whoa-ho," Liam jokes as the boys all crowd around me as my fingers type aimlessly on the laptop.

"What are yeh looking for?" the Irish accent rings prominently over my shoulder as I continue staring at the screen in front of me in deep concentration. 

"Selena's leaving in a week."

"Oh," Zayn mutters and the room's atmosphere suddenly becomes silent. The boys are probably unsure how to act around me concerning this fact; they know the very thought devastates me like no other.

"Anyway, I'm going to be the best boyfriend I can be this week before it's all gone," I swallow down my words as my index finger freely runs over the scroll, browsing the usual tabs I check on. 

"It's not all going to be gone, Harry," Louis reminds me in annoyance. Ignoring him, I bite my lip as my eyes scan the University homepage, reading the article about our victory.

"Anyway..." Niall decides to break the awkward tension up, "you should make your next date special."

"Next date? I haven't even asked her to one yet," I scrunch my face in confusion until I am met by the boys' horrid looks.

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