42. Surprise

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i have decided (an hour ago) that i will be a better, more appreciative, more thoughtful, and bolder person starting now.
i hate school so much. so so so so so so sO MUCH. i am just so sick of it /: 
this song is so fitting omfg like wow ive been trying to find a song for this chapter for so long and then i suddenly remembered this track (': its perfect &&&...im excited to write the next one (:


Selena's POV:

What Harry said, really hurt.

Like, really, really, really, hurt. I can just never win, can't I? Right when things seem absolutely perfect, something just wrecks it all. I didn't think this kind of thing would happen again; I mean, I do expect us to have some up's and down's here and there, but this was just...Pain is indescribable in words. Why do people feel pain? Why does it scream and shout in our veins? Why does it demand to be felt? Why?

I just don't understand.

After a while, I decide to stop sprinting, giving myself some time to calm down the racing blood pumping through my veins as the familiar pain of heartbreak swallows me up inside. My throat is hoarse, my eyes are red-rimmed, my insides are churning with this intolerable sensation, and I just down-right, feel like utter shit.

I knew I wasn't good enough for him from the start. I just knew it. But, I still fell. I fell for him. And now, I'm literally falling. Falling into pieces.

Raising my right hand, I sloppily swipe across my nose, messily trying to rid the disgusting snot. I probably looked like an idiot to any crosser-by on the street, but honestly, I'm too drained, physically and mentally, to give a fuck and do something about it. It's been about forty-five minutes and with my quick pacing, I've managed to finally reach some busy intersection, a contrast to the quiet, isolated and protected road we were on earlier. I liked that road. It was...peaceful and serene, a calmness I need in my storm of a life. I envy it. I'm being stupid for being jealous of a path of pavement, but how can I not? It's surrounded by the freshest air, luscious trees with the coolest shade in the summer and the brightest colors in the fall, and it's just simply...well, simple. So, so, simple. Simply beautiful. Simply perfect. What a contrast to my too complicated life. I look up and sigh, watching the sky darken, as it turns from orange-yellow hues of sunset towards a darker violet, nearing a black shade, indicating the upcoming nightfall. Just fucking fantastic. According to my phone, I'm still approximately thirty minutes away from school---and that is by car. Jesus. Why did we even decide to drive so far away? I am hating myself even more with each passing minute.

Throwing my head back up, I notice the sky darken even more. Is it even possible for the skies to change so quickly in the matter of a few seconds?

A roar erupts from the sky and I suddenly feel a drop of water on my head.

Oh, you've got to be fucking kidding me. 

I sigh as I continue to persevere; I can't give up. I'm cold, tired, wet, hungry, and depressed. I just want to be home, now. My teeth start to chatter as the now pouring rain drenches me, making my t-shirt cling tightly onto my skin, giving me an uncomfortable feeling as my feet are now wet as well, since I decided to wear sandals.

God, I'm so stupid.

But honestly, why is it raining in the summer?!

Right, it's Manchester. I should have saw this one coming. When I finally reach a crossing area, I rapidly jam my finger against the button, desperately wishing the light would change color and allow me to move on. Cars keep crossing and the pedestrian sign remains the same; God, kill me now.

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