25. Broken Heart

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hey guys, this one's short! i just wanted to say a massive THANK YOU for all the comments and messages! some of them really made my day and i actually was fangirling over some (x thank you so much! this one's kinda short, sorry :c and btw, pretend the blonde in the gif is cara even though its not. and dont fret, things for selena will spice up. soo, i found this song through an english final and i really like it, like its so emotional & strong, very suited (: btw, my friend comes home today from vacation and im so excited to talk to her again. anyway, this isn't exactly my favorite chapter, but 25 is my favorite number so i'm kinda disappointed in my numbering but oh well. yeah, so, here's the chapter lol 


Niall's POV:

"Okay, so today, we'll have a few drills and then we'll play a mini game with the team split into two," Harry begins to instruct until he pauses in the middle of his speech, his eyes narrowed and focused on something behind my head. We all follow his sight and I turn around, finding Selena awkwardly standing there with her hair down, her chest, and her usual clothes on as her left arm wraps around her limp right one; she's completely exposed and vulnerable. 

"Why are you here?" Harry snaps, menancingly.

"I-I-I--," she stutters, taken back by his harsh demeanor. 

"Harry, chill out. Take it easy on the poor girl, you're scaring the shit out of her," I scold him but he disregards my words and walks up to her, his tall build overpowering her petite body.

"Look, in case you didn't get the memo, you're off the team," he spits bitterly and I watch Selena close her eyes and take it. 

"Woah, woah," I maneuver over to Selena and block her from Harry, hiding and protecting her from him.

"Don't fucking defend her, Niall. She's just going to play with your affections and fuck your life up," he huffs with his arms crossed.

"Okay, you can criticize me but don't yell at Niall! He's just trying to not be a dick," Selena pushes me forcefully, but gently, away and stands up for herself.

"Oh, so I'm the bad guy now?" 

"I never even said that!"

"You implied it!"

"Fuck off!"

"That's what I'm trying to get you to do!" he screams and I watch Selena wince, "Don't you get it? You're not wanted here, ever. I don't want you in my life!" 

"You don't want me here, but maybe the rest of the team does! Are you seriously going to kick me off the team? You know I'm good. You fucking know that without me, you guys are going to lose your sorry asses to Avalon. Whether you like it or not, you know the team needs me. Face it, Harry, you need me. Maybe not in your life, but for the bloody game," she boldly faces Harry, her eyes intently staring into his in a slightly intimidating manner. Yeah, you don't mess with Selena. 

She knows she's right.

Everyone knows she's right.

And deep down, Harry knows she's right.

"Do I have to repeat myself? You're not a fucking boy, Selena. And, you're definitely not a worthy member of this team."

"Harry, c'mon mate, be realistic here," Louis folds his arms across his chest, in a serious tone.

"I'm friends with Tyler and I know pretty much everything about Avalon's moves. They have tricks up their sleeves and I know all their methods. And no offense, you guys know nothing. Seriously, you're going to get creamed without me," she reasons but Harry shakes his head, being his stubborn self.

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