23. Impressions?

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hey guys i know i promised this yesterday or well since its 4 in the morning here, two days ago, but i've just been feeling really bleh. finals week totally sucked and i just felt extremely terrible on the last day. like i just hated myself so much i spontaneously bursted into tears during class and afterschool /: yeah, took me a long time to get over it and im still not really over what happened but a bit better. anyway, enough complaining, did you hear harry's song ♥ ??? dont let me go is so beautiful + his adorable vine of him brushing his teeth + photos of him with niall at the poolside definitely cheered me up. ill shut up now and give you this extremely late chapter (x sorry for not posting earlier!


Selena's POV:

"Sel, stop changing and just come outtt," Harry drags his words out while groaning, his fist occassionally knocking on the bathroom door as I keep coming out and going back in, disapproving each of my outfits.

"Don't tell me what to do," I snap as I cross my arms against my chest with an eyebrow raised.

"You look fine," he emphasizes, frowning at my stubbornness. 

"Just fine? That's it," I quickly return to the bathroom in hopes of changing again, but before I can step inside, a pair of arms extend from behind and hold me in a tight grasp. 

"Let me go!" I whine but he shakes his head before placing it on the crook of my shoulder.

"What?" I tilt my head slightly to get his face in full view.

"Why are you so nervous about what you wear? You'll look beautiful like always, anyway," Harry shrugs, his body still against mine.

"In case you forgot, I'm going to lunch with your family! I want to make a good impression. What if they think I'm dressed too casual and it seems like I don't care? But...what if I'm dressed too formal and they think I'm snobbish? What if I wear too much and it seems like I'm a weird dysfunctional freak? What if I wear too little and I appear like a slut? What if..." I freak out but before I can continue, Harry bends down and presses his soft warm lips against mine in attempts to silence me and although caught off guard, I slowly respond back.

"You're best friends with Miley! You came to their wedding and you were over our place countless times. They already know you!"

"I only know Miley's dad but I never really got the chance to really meet your mum or sister. It's different!"

"You will look perfect, because you are. No need to worry, they'll love you for you like as much as I love you."

"You love me?" I pull back and look at him, not like how I usually do, but I mean really look at him.

"Yeah, I kinda do," he bites his lips and I smile down at my feet before snapping my head upwards again.



"Well, then," I huff and stare away.

"Are you ignoring me?"

I stay silent.

"Don't be like that."



My head remains in the same position, turned at an angle so that he can't see my face. I hear him sigh heavily, "Why you gotta be like that?"

I shrug but nonetheless, keep quiet. Before I know it, he sneakily turns my body and presses his lips onto mine again, pulling away slightly after a while so we can catch our breaths. His curls tickle my cheeks as our foreheads are pressed together.

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