10. You Really Do

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i don't know this chapter took me so long to write ;__; i kept backspacing and yeah :x sorry about that! but i just want to say a massive thank you for all the votes, comments, and if you followed me (x its 4am and i really just want to crawl into bed but i was determined to finish this before tonight ((or morning?)) thanks to all your comments and feedback (: so please comment & tell me what you think? for sure, ill update more this weekend. + this song fits harry & btw, picture of tyler posey, dylan o'brien, & selena > 


Selena's POV:

I follow Tyler's eyes and see a mop of curls stick up from the bush, the foilage ruffling every so often. Harry. Looking at Tyler, he gives me a mischievous look as he gestures toward the green leaves and as soon as I understand what he's hinting at, a smile finds its way onto my face. The both of us make our way towards the bush until my shadow is overlooming Harry and to my surprise, I find two other culprits crouched down along with him too. With my hands on my hips, I raise an eyebrow at the three.

"Boys, this is Tyler, one of my best friends. Tyler, these are three idiots known as Louis, Niall, and last but not least, the leader of the stupid group, Harry," I introduce.

"We've already met, kinda," Tyler chuckle.

"In our defense, this was Harry's idea," Louis gestures to Niall and himself, then points accusingly at Harry who shoots him a deadly glare. 

"Explain. Now," I demand as I see Harry scratch the back of his neck awkwardly.

"Uh..." he hesitates and looks at Niall and Louis pleadingly for help.

"Well, you see, we were going to set up for today's practice at five," Niall starts and my face morph into surprise.

"Oh shit, I forgot," I face palm myself then cover my mouth as I realize what I just said.

"Forgot what?" Louis eyes me suspiciously as I shake my head, "Nothing. Just a thought in my head. Go on."

"Well, we were walking by and we saw this bush and just got so fascinated. I mean, look at this leaf! It's so...leafy and green and...leafy. If yah touch it, it's so smooth and shiny, a real gem. It's so healthy-looking, I bet yah can get some good fiber out of this if yeh eat some!" Niall flashes a crooked grin, hoping his charming cute looks would distract me.

"Nice try, Nialler," I cross my arms, then look to my right to see Tyler laughing hysterically.

"Dude, you okay?" I ask Tyler who's practically in tears now.

"That is the worst lie I've ever heard in my whole life," he wipes his eyes as I let a small smile come on my face. Leave it to Tyler to make things better. 

Then remembering my main reason for coming over, I lock eyes with Harry, "So why were you spying on me?" His electrifying jade eyes contrast with my warm chestnut brown ones.

"I was not—-" he starts but I cut him off.

"Don't even give me that—-" I start but this time he cuts me off and stands up, brushing the dirt and stray leaves off his clothes.

"May I speak to you privately?" he asks quietly and I fiddle with my fingers, unsure whether to say yes or no but Tyler just shoves me into his direction so that I stumble over my own feet and collide into Harry's hard body with my hands placed on his chest for support from falling. When I realize what happened, I quickly take my hands off and look away, sending Tyler a look, only to result in him nodding, encouraging me with a thumbs up.

"Go on ahead Sel. I'll talk to these guys, get to know some of your other friends," he then turns his attention to the blonde and brunette who are also now standing up, cleaning themselves up. I sigh, about to protest, but Harry wraps his long fingers around my tiny wrist warmly and gently tugs me aside where we are out of the others' listening range.

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