15. Stressed, Depressed, But Well-Dressed

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hey guys (: wow, thanks for all the reads! i just want to apologize for being so slow to update but this weekend was very busy for me, homework wise and i just didn't have time to finish writing this ): so sorry about that.  by the way, i finished great expectations for school (finally!) and i have to say, the last 100 pages really had a toll on me. it was beautiful. also, sorry its so short but its late and i have school in like a 4 hours and i need some sleep :b but anyway, i really miss delena and i wish demi & selena were still as close as they were before ): yeah...ok anyway ill try to update asap bc i know 16 will be reaally good since i have so many ideas for it ((in my opinion hopefully)) & yeah thats it. sorry again!


Selena's POV:

We have our candy bags half devoured and Marina and the Diamonds on in the background as we let out all our pain that we attempted to hide. 

"I love Zayn."

"I know you do," I nod as I pop another sour patch into my mouth.

"But...lately I feel like that spark we have is diminishing..." she trails off and my eyes widen. I noticed a few changes in their relationship but I didn't think it would be really slowly ending.

"Oh...," a sudden thought pops into my mind, "Does it have anything to do with Nick?" 

"Maybe," she bites her lips and runs her hand through her hair frustratedly, "I just really like spending time with him and it started out as just friends but I realize he makes me feel...really happy."

"That's great."

"Not that Zayn doesn't make me happy," she quickly interjects, "it's just that...Nick and I have such a long past and we're really good friends and it's just...absolutely comfortable."


"But, I still really love Zayn and I could never break up with him," she sighs and closes her eyes, conflicted. After a brief moment of silence, she speaks up again, whispering, "Who should I pick?"

"Nick," I reply simply and abruptly.

"Wow, that was fast. Why?" she questions me, surprised.

"If you ever find yourself in love with two people, always pick the second one. Because if you really loved the first person, you would have never loved a second," I pop another gummy into my mouth and watch her slowly take in what I said.

"That's the best advice, Sel, " Demi smiles after it sinks in, "I'll take care of this later. Now, onto you? What's your problem?"

I groan and squeeze my eyes shut, not really wanting to admit it, but nonetheless tells her, "I think I like Harry. Like...a lot." The room gets quiet and I wonder how she's reacting. I slowly open one eye and see Demi smiling like a huge idiot. After opening the second eye, I just stare at her as she looks like she's going to pee her pants anytime soon.

"Um, Dems, ar—" I can't finish my statement before Demi erupts into a loud piercing scream, shrieking and waving her arms around drastically like there's no tomorrow.

"I KNEW IT! I ABSOLUTELY BLOODY KNEW IT! YOU FANCY HIM!" she grins in pure ecstasy.

"Calm down," I pat her arm in attempts to pacify the shaking girl beside me.

"Oh my gosh! Does he know? Did you tell him?" 

"No, of course not! I don't need him to be any more arrogant than he already is," I scoff.

"I don't see the dilemma here, Sel. You like him. He likes you. Just tell him and then you'll be together," she tilts her head at me confused.

"Well, there is this girl in the fucking way."

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