iv. 𝗌𝗍𝖺𝗋𝗍 𝗈𝖿 𝖺 𝗇𝖾𝗐 𝗅𝗂𝖿𝖾

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Back at the old warehouse, the tension was thick as they approached the heavy metal door. With T-Dog now accompanying them and a cloth securely tied around Miguel's mouth to muffle any possible cries for help, they braced themselves for the confrontation ahead. Daryl led the way, his grim expression a stark contrast to Rick's determined gaze. As the door creaked open, Daryl shoved Miguel inside with a forceful push, his gun pressed firmly against the man's back.

The interior of the warehouse was dimly lit, the only illumination coming from flickering fluorescent lights hanging precariously from the ceiling. Guillermo, flanked by a group of armed men, stood imposingly near a makeshift desk piled with various weapons and supplies. His eyes narrowed at the sight of Rick holding a rifle.

"I see my guns, but they're not all in the bag," Guillermo said, his voice dripping with menace as he scrutinized Rick.

"That's because they're not yours. I thought I mentioned that," Rick replied, his tone steady despite the underlying tension.

One of Guillermo's men, visibly agitated and still nursing a wound from a previous altercation with Daryl, spoke up, his anger barely contained. "Let's just shoot these fools right now, ese. Unload on their asses."

Guillermo raised a hand to silence him, his gaze fixed on Rick. "I don't think you fully appreciate the gravity of the situation," he said, his voice low and dangerous. His men, armed with a mix of guns and baseball bats, fidgeted, their unease palpable.

"No, I'm pretty clear," Rick said, dropping his rifle and stepping toward Miguel, who whimpered softly as he was roughly pushed toward his own group. "You have your man. I want mine."

Guillermo took a menacing step forward, his face inches from Rick's. "I'm gonna chop up your boy. Feed him to my dogs. They're the evilest, nastiest, man-eating bitches you ever saw. Picked them up from Satan at a yard sale," he said, his words dripping with malice. "I told you how it has to be. Are you woefully deaf?"

"No, my hearing's fine. You said come locked and loaded," Rick said, his voice rising as the room filled with the sound of weapons being cocked and readied. The tension was a living, breathing entity, pressing down on everyone in the room. Lily's heart raced; she could almost feel the impending danger wrapping around her. She had promised Sutton she'd come back with food, but now it seemed like the promise might be broken forever.

Before a shot could be fired, a voice cut through the oppressive silence.

"Felipe! Felipe!"

Everyone turned in surprise to see a small, elderly woman pushing her way through the crowd. Her presence was incongruous with the tense atmosphere.

"Abuela, go back with the others. Now!" one of Guillermo's men ordered, but the woman paid him no mind.

"Get that old lady out of the line of fire!" Daryl shouted, his voice urgent as he scanned the room.

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