v. 𝗇𝗈 𝗆𝗈𝗋𝖾 𝗈𝗋𝖽𝗂𝗇𝖺𝗋𝗒 𝗀𝗂𝗋𝗅

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As Lily walked off toward her room, the weight of the situation was palpable. Her home, once a symbol of stability and normalcy, was now a place of transition and uncertainty. Each step she took echoed the gravity of her decision to allow these strangers into her life and her home, to pack up her daughter's belongings for a journey into the unknown. The air was thick with the bittersweet mix of nostalgia and resignation as she packed.

Daryl, ever the observer, wandered through the apartment with a silent reverence. His eyes roamed over the pristine surroundings, taking in the expensive furnishings and decorations that spoke of a life Lily had carefully maintained even as the world collapsed around her. The opulence of the place was striking, but it wasn't the cold, uninviting luxury he had anticipated. Instead, it was warm and lived-in, marked by the unmistakable signs of a child's presence.

Crayons and markers were strewn across the floor, mingling with white and colored construction paper. Frames adorned the walls, showcasing a gallery of memories. Each photo depicted Lily and her daughter, Sutton, together, capturing moments of genuine joy and togetherness. There were a few pictures with an older couple, and Daryl surmised they were likely Lily's parents.

He picked up a photo of just Lily and Sutton, the two of them smiling at the camera with the ocean in the background. The striking resemblance between them was almost uncanny; Sutton looked like a younger version of her mother. It was eerie and poignant, a reminder of the normal life they once had.

"Do you mind taking that one out of the frame for me?" Lily's voice interrupted his reverie. He turned to see her approaching with a duffle bag slung over one shoulder and a small Hello Kitty bag in her hand.

"Yeah," Daryl replied, his voice rough but sincere as he began to unlatch the back of the frame. "You don't have a backpack for yourself?"

"No. I used to use this as a gym bag," Lily explained, adjusting the strap on her shoulder. She looked slightly embarrassed, but there was a determination in her eyes. Daryl took the bag from her and slung it over his shoulder, handing her the picture in exchange.

"You need a regular backpack or you'll mess up your shoulder. We'll find you one," he said firmly. Lily looked at him with a mix of confusion and gratitude. She wasn't sure what to make of his gesture; he didn't seem like the type to do things for others. Maybe his gruff exterior hid a deeper sense of care, or maybe he was just responding to the turmoil within him regarding his brother.

"Thanks. But I can carry it until we get back," she said, folding up the picture and tucking it into her pocket.

"Nah, I don't wanna hear you complaining about your fucked-up shoulder later on," he replied, walking toward the kitchen before she could respond. Lily shook her head, a small smile tugging at her lips. She'd have to get used to his peculiar ways, but she appreciated his consideration, especially since she wasn't in the mood to delve into her personal struggles.

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