Part- 28 (Holi special- 2)

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Scene: BBSR MLA Residence - Dining Hall (Morning)

(Sunlight streams through the windows of the grand dining hall, illuminating the remnants of a festive Holi breakfast. Digvijay, dressed in a traditional kurta, sits at the table, picking at his food. His aging father, recently returned from a holiday overseas, occupies the seat at the head of the table, conversing animatedly.)

Digvijay's Dad: (Chuckles) You know, son, I remember your mother and I celebrating Holi when we were young. Just as colorful and joyous as ever. But speaking of colors... how are things with Y/n?

(Digvijay sighs, a flicker of frustration crossing his face.)

Digvijay: It's complicated, Dad. Remember what I told you? The misunderstanding... her believing I was... involved with someone else...

Digvijay's Dad: (Nods sympathetically) Ah yes, yes. It's a shame. Her father was a good friend. We always hoped our families would be united someday. Bad timing, it seems.

Digvijay: (Determined) But there's still a chance, Dad. If everything goes according to plan... if our marriage becomes a reality... I want you to do something for me.

Digvijay's Dad: (Eyebrow raised) Go on, son. What is it?

Digvijay: (Takes a deep breath) I want you to welcome Y/n's parents here. We'll live together as one big, happy family.

(Digvijay's father considers this for a moment, a smile gracing his lips.)

Digvijay's Dad: (Nods) I like that, son. A fresh start. We can mend bridges, heal old wounds. It would have made your mother happy.

(Just then, the sound of a crisp salute breaks the heartwarming moment. Ravi Rathore, dressed in his police uniform, stands stiffly at the entrance, a hint of unease in his eyes.)

Ravi: (Formal tone) Ravi Rathore reporting, sir. Happy Holi to all of you!

(Digvijay's face hardens with anger, but he masks it quickly, his father's presence keeping him in check.)

Digvijay: (Forced smile) Ravi! Happy Holi to you too. Dad, this... is my new personal security detail. Insists on keeping me safe. (Applies a splash of color on Ravi's face in a playful manner)

(Ravi remains stoic, unable to speak out in front of Digvijay's father.)

Digvijay's Dad: (Surprised) Personal security detail? That's wonderful, beta! Good to know someone's looking after my son. God bless you! (Blesses Ravi with a touch on the shoulder)

(Ravi nods silently, Digvijay's threat hanging heavy in the air. As Digvijay's father retires to his room, a tense silence descends upon the two men.)

Digvijay: (Low growl) Don't even think about opening your mouth, Ravi. Remember what I told you. My family. My business. One word, and your precious family suffers the consequences. (Voice dripping with menace) Now, get out of my sight.

(Ravi's eyes flicker with a mixture of fear and defiance. He exits the dining hall without another word, leaving Digvijay fuming at the table. The festive atmosphere suddenly feels tainted by the secrets they both carry.)

Scene: Hema's House Terrace (Afternoon 12:00pm)

(Holi celebrations are in full swing on the terrace. Water balloons fly, colored powder explodes in the air, and laughter fills the atmosphere. Y/n and Jungkook have been playfully dodging each other's attacks, their clothes and faces a kaleidoscope of colors. However, Y/n remains relatively untouched, a strategic save from a particularly aggressive attack leaving a stubborn streak of color on her parting and kurta.)

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