Chapter 17

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Eddie's first instinct after Shannon had walked out was to call Buck. So there he was, sat on their bed, his bed, phone in one hand and a beer in the other. Clicking on his friend's contact, the man pressed the phone to ear and closed his eyes as he listened to the ring.





Just as Eddie was about to hang up, he heard Buck's voice on the other end. "Hey Eddie. Isn't it a little late there for Chris to want to talk?" He questions. Eddie heard shuffling on Bucks end, and the music he once heard before was gone. He must be out and Eddie was bothering him.

"No, Chris is in bed." Eddie hesitated the next part. "I needed to talk to you, but it sounded like you were busy so I can just let you go and call you tomorrow."

"It's okay Eddie. I'm just out having a beer with coworkers." He hums softly. "What'd you need to talk to me about?"

Sighing heavily, Eddie took a swig of beer, swallowing before he spoke. "Shannon left me." He whispers, because maybe if he barely says it, it won't be real.

"What? Why?" Buck asks, shock evident in his voice. Eddie was going to ask him if Shannon said anything to him about it, but he decided against it. Buck would have warned him, he thought.

"I wasn't helping with Christopher like I should have and her moms sick. So she's going to take care of her mom and she said she doesn't know if she's going to come back." He breathes. The man felt like his world was falling apart and he felt horrible that he was ruining his friends night by whining about it.

There was a brief silence before he heard another voice, speaking to Buck. "Come on babe, Maddie and Chim are doing karaoke again, you're gonna miss it."

"I'll be right there, Eddie needs to talk to me." Buck chuckles.

Must be that Tommy guy that Buck had mentioned when he came to visit, Eddie thought.

"Hmm okay, make it quick." The man said, and Eddie frowned at that. Why was he telling Buck what to do, he didn't like that at all. He didn't know the man and he was already getting weird vibes from him, but he shook off the thought.

"I'm sorry Eddie, that must be rough." He could practically hear the frown in his friend's voice. "Why would she leave Christopher like that?"

"I don't know Buck, I don't have the answers." Eddie mutters and takes another swig from the beer bottle he was holding in his hand. "But it seems like I was interrupting something, so I'll let you get back to it. You were told to be quick."

"Oh, that was just tommy." Buck says softly. "He was just playing around. But yeah, I should probably get back in there. I can call you tomorrow? Or even when I get home?"

Eddie lays back on the bed and closes his eyes. "I'll call you tomorrow or something, I'm sure Chris will want to say hi. Bye Buck." He hangs up the phone and tosses it on the bed next to him. Reaching over, the man places his beer bottle on the nightstand and for the first time that night he lets the tears fall down his cheeks. He wasn't sure what hurt worse, the fact that his wife had left him or that his best friend rushed off the phone even though he needed him.


Buck looked at his phone and sighed heavily before pocketing it. He wanted to stay on the phone with Eddie but his boyfriend? If Buck could even call him that, was getting antsy. He walks back inside the bar and over to his table where Hen, Karen and Tommy were, Maddie and Chim already up doing karaoke.

"Everything okay?" Karen asks as he takes his seat next to Tommy, the man throwing his arm around Bucks shoulders instantly. He wanted to shrug it off but he didn't.

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