Chapter 9

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That Saturday Shannon and Buck were sitting on the couch, Buck with a beer in his hand and Shannon with a glass of wine. It was still relatively early but Christopher was already down for the night so the two decided to try to relax and watch reruns of Grey's anatomy. "Meredith's so whiny." Buck mumbles and leans forward, setting his beer on the coffee table.

Shannon stays silent before picking up the remote and pausing the television. She turns towards Buck, guilt painted on her face. "What's wrong?" Buck asks as he looks back over at her.

"So I did something... bad?" She says, reaching forward and setting her glass down next to bucks beer.

"You didn't cheat on Eddie did you?" He blurts out making the woman gape. "Wait, of course you didn't. You wouldn't do that. I don't know why that even came out of my mouth." He rambles, a blush covering his cheeks from embarrassment.

Shannon shook her head and laughed softly. "I'm going to pretend you didn't say that. You should know better than that." She teasingly scolds. "No um, I want to preface this by saying I'm really really sorry and that it was a complete accident." Buck was getting worried at this point. Why was she apologizing to him? He stayed silent to let the woman continue. "Earlier when you were out, I was cleaning and your notebook fell off of the coffee table, and of course it happened to land where it was opened."

Buck froze. He's written a lot of personal shit in that notebook, it was his escape for crying out loud. "What'd you read?" He asks slowly.

The next words that came out of Shannon's mouth made Buck's heart stop. "That you're in love with my husband?" She questions. "I mean, it just said that you loved him but the words leading up to it made it seem like you were in love with him." And Buck thought he could have died from embarrassment at this point. But he couldn't, he was more angry at the fact that Shannon hadn't just picked up the notebook and put it back, she had to read it.

Tears filled Buck's eyes as he stood up from the couch, not looking at the woman. He was too upset. "That was private." He choked.

"No, I know it was and I'm really sorry." Shannon says softly. "I should have just picked it up and closed it but the words caught my eye." She felt guilty, and Buck didn't know why she wasn't angry at him for the sole purpose that she thought he was in love with her husband, not that she would be wrong. "Are you? In love with Eddie?"

Running a hand over his face Buck let out a frustrated groan. He couldn't have this conversation right now, not with his best friend's wife. The best friend he was in love with. "It's not really any of your business." He snaps, grabbing his phone off of the arm of the couch and walking towards the door to slide his shoes on.

"It is though, Buck. He's my husband." Again, Buck wasn't sure why she didn't sound angry. "I'm not mad. He's easy to love." She adds and that makes Buck break. Tears start to stream down his cheeks as he reaches for the handle and opens the door. He couldn't handle this right now.

He doesn't say anything before walking out of the apartment. He dials Maddie's number on his cell and presses the phone to his ear as he walks in the general direction of her place. "Buck?" Maddie asks after the rings three times.

"Hey, I'm coming over. If that's okay? If not, I'll just find somewhere else to go." He says and Maddie could tell he had been crying.

"Of course, little brother. What's wrong?" She asked him, worry lacing her voice.

Buck sighs heavily and shoves his free hand into the pocket of his sweats, Eddies sweats actually. He had borrowed a few pieces of Eddie's clothing before they took him shopping when he got settled in. He had just forgotten to give them back. "Just Shannon. She kind of read some shit I wrote in my notebook. She invaded my privacy and I had to leave for a bit."

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