Chapter 29

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"Buck, get dressed. We're going to Maddie's for dinner." Eddie says, walking into their room and ripping the covers off of his boyfriend. Buck was still struggling with not being able to do everything on his own and Eddie was trying to fix it, he has been for a couple of weeks now. He was trying to help his boyfriend and being gentle about it wasn't working. 

Groaning, Buck reaches and grabs the other blanket that was on the bed, pulling it over his body and covering his head. "Have fun. I'm staying here." 

"No Buck, you're going, end of story." Eddie says and once again rips the blankets off of the other man. "You and I are going over to Maddie's to have a nice night and I don't want to hear anything about it. We're kid free tonight and we're going to take advantage of it." He says sternly, hoping Buck would listen. 

"Come on Eddie, I really don't want to go." The younger man whines and shakes his head. "I don't want to see Maddie. She's just going to bug me about everything, and I don't want to hear it." 

Eddie sighs and runs a hand through his hair, sitting on the edge of the bed. "Okay, so we don't go to Maddie's." He says, laughing softly as Buck let out a breath of relief. "But we're still going out. You and I are going out to dinner somewhere and then afterwards we'll go to the movies or even come home to watch a movie." 

"Why are you forcing me to go out?" Buck huffs but sits up, facing his boyfriend. 

"Because I love you, Buck. I'm not going to let you just spend every waking moment in the bed or on the couch. It's not healthy." The older man explains, reaching a hand over and placing it on Buck's knee. "If it were me in your situation, would you just let me rot in bed?" He raises an eyebrow in question.

"No." Buck mutters. He's quiet for a moment before letting out a soft huff. "Fine, we can go out to dinner." He speaks. 

"Thank you, baby. I just miss doing things with you." Eddie says and stands up, holding his hand out for Buck to take. The other man does and slowly gets out of bed, using Eddie to hold him steady. 

Eddie helps Buck shower even though the younger man denies needing any help, but Eddie helps anyways. He hated that his boyfriend was being so difficult about everything. He understood, of course he did but he still hated it. "I don't mean to be so difficult." Buck says softly, almost as if he could hear Eddie's thoughts as his fingers massage the shampoo into his scalp. "It's just hard having someone help me do everything that I would normally do on my own. Especially you Eddie. I hate that you have to see me like this."

Nodding his head and helping Buck rinse his hair Eddie speaks. "I understand that. But it's okay. You'd do the same for me and that's what I love about you. I don't mind helping you, Buck. But you have got to stop fighting me on everything, okay? If you didn't need the help I wouldn't be doing it. But it's something you've got to come to terms with."

"I know. I appreciate it Eds." Buck whispers, giving his boyfriend a small smile. "And I'll try not to fight you on anything anymore. You've been so patient with me. I love you so much." Buck tears up at the thought everything that Eddie has done for him even though he's been so difficult. If it were anyone else, they would have left by now. "Thank you for not leaving."

"Oh Buck. I'd never leave." Eddie says and presses a kiss to Bucks wet hair.

"Good." Buck mumbles, letting Eddie help him finish up his shower.

After the two get dressed they head out to Eddie's truck, Buck getting in the passenger seat. "Did you already tell Maddie we weren't coming?" He asks.

"No, I was going to when I got in the truck though." Eddie shakes his head and closes Buck's door, rounding the truck and climbing into the driver's seat. "Did you want to go over there?"

Buck shrugs his shoulders, chewing on his bottom lip. "I don't think it would hurt, honestly. It'd be nice to see her. And maybe Chim if he's home."

"I think he's on shift, but I know your sister's been worried about you. I keep telling her not to come over when she asks, I didn't want anything to upset you." Eddie puts the keys in the ignition and pulls out of their driveway, heading to Maddie's apartment. 


"Hey you two." Maddie smiles widely, opening the door, seeing the two men standing before her. She was glad that Buck was finally getting out of the house, that he wanted to come see her. Tears well up in her eyes as the two walk in. She immediately wraps her arms around her brother, pulling him into a tight hug despite the crutches being in the way. "I've missed you little brother." She whispers, pressing a kiss to the side of his head. 

Buck practically melts into the hug, closing his eyes and sighing softly. "I missed you too Mads. I'm sorry I was being me and ignoring you." He speaks, pulling away and adjusting his crutches. "I didn't mean to push anyone away."

Maddie pulls away and lets Eddie pull Buck over to the couch, making him sit down and prop his leg up. "I know Buck. All is forgiven." She smiles and shuts the door to her apartment. "Now, is it okay if we order Chinese? It's all I've been thinking about today."

Buck and Eddie both nod, agreeing that Chinese food was definitely okay for dinner. 

After Maddie places the order, she sits next to her brother, Eddie on the other side of her. "Where's Chris?" Maddie furrows her eyebrows, just now realizing that the boy wasn't there. "I was kind of hoping to see him."

"Oh, He's with Shannon. She took him a day early so Buck, and I could have some alone time." Eddie shrugs his shoulders, leaning back against the couch.

"Ew, I don't even want to know what alone time entails with you two." Maddie fake gags. 

Buck blushes. "Maddie stop!" He cries, hiding his face in his hands, Eddie laughing at the two of them. "We haven't done anything yet anyways. So, it's literally just us being alone." Buck mumbles. 

Maddie's eyes widen at that, looking over at Eddie who was also blushing from embarrassment. Why had Buck said anything about that? "Let's talk about something else." He says and he's glad when Maddie starts talking about how her pregnancy is progressing, leaving the awkward conversation to the side.


"Thank you for making me get out of the house tonight. It was actually really nice." Buck smiles, he genuinely smiles. 

Eddie smiles in return, putting the truck in park in front of their house, turning off the ignition. "No problem baby." He says, getting out and helping Buck out of the truck. The two head inside and toe off their shoes in front of the door. "Do you want to lay in bed and watch a movie?" He asks.

"Yeah, that sounds like a good idea." Buck says, letting Eddie lead him to the bedroom. "What kind of movie do you want to watch?" He asks his boyfriend as he sits on the edge of the bed, letting Eddie take his crutches, setting them against his nightstand. Eddie helps the younger man change out of his jeans quickly. Buck moves further onto the bed and gets himself settles, grabbing the remote from the bedside table, turning on the appliance.

"I don't care. You pick." Eddie says and pulls his shirt off, along with his jeans before pulling on a pair of shorts, climbing into bed. "I think I picked the last movie anyways." 

"Okay." Buck hums and scrolls through Netflix, settling on 'The Breakfast Club', a classic. 

Eddie reaches out for Buck and pulls him close, holding him. "I love you, Buck." He says. "I'm glad you're mine." He kisses the top of his head.

"Love you too Eddie." Buck smiles. He was truly in a better mood now than he was earlier that day, Eddie being able to help pull him out of his funk. He'd be forever grateful for the other man.


Hey guys! I just want to thank everyone for reading and commenting. Keep the comments and votes coming!

Also, if there's something you want to happen in the fic, let me know! I am open to suggestions always!

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