Chapter 25

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The last month had gone smoothly, Buck helping Eddie and Christopher get settled into their new house, even helping Eddie psych himself up to start the fire academy. Today was Eddie's first day, and Buck was a little nervous for him, but he knew the man could handle it. Today though he was with Maddie, Shannon and Christopher at Eddie's place, they were all in the backyard enjoying the day. "So." Shannon starts, leaning back in her chair, sipping on her lemonade. "Your boyfriend tells me you practically live here." She teases and Buck just rolls his eyes, because it wasn't true. Sure, he might stay over more often than not but that didn't mean he was living there. 

"I just spend the night a lot." He shrugs, sipping on his own glass of lemonade, watching Christopher who was walking around the yard, saying that he was looking for treasure. "He didn't say it like a bad thing, right?" 

"Oh no, I'm pretty sure he wants you to live with him." Shannon laughs and waves off Buck's concern. 

"I'm shocked he hasn't asked you to move in yet anyway." Maddie chimes in, resting her hands on her knees. "You two are moving pretty fast, but it's not a bad thing! I'm not one to talk, Chim and I are moving pretty fast too." She adds. 

Buck could tell his sister wanted to say something, but she was holding back. Before he could bring it up Shannon beat him to it. "Alright Maddie, spill. You look like you're about to explode if you don't say what you want to say." 

The man nods in response, agreeing with Shannon. Maddie groans and runs a hand through her hair, laughing nervously. "I'm pregnant!" She blurts out, looking between the two other adults, gauging their reaction to her news. 

Buck's eyes widen and a grin spread across his face. "Maddie, that's awesome!" He exclaims, standing up from his chair to give his sister a hug. He was excited for her, he really was. He knew that Maddie had always wanted to be a mother and now she was finally able to get that in her life. "Shannon?" Buck asks, noticing the woman was quiet but she had a grin on her face as well.

"I knew it." She shrugs, Buck and Maddie giving her a questioning look. Maddie hadn't told her beforehand. "The last few times we've talked on the phone you told me you hadn't been feeling too well and certain smells were making you nauseous." The woman explains. "Don't forget, I've been pregnant before too, I know the signs." She laughs. "But congratulations Mads, that's exciting news."

"Thanks." Maddie smiles. "Chimney is over the moon about it."

"He's terrible at keeping secrets, I don't know how he didn't let it spill at work." Buck notes, sitting back down in his chair, his eyes going back to Christopher who was making his way towards them with a worm in his hand. "What you got there bud?" He holds his hand open.

Christopher sets the worm in the man's hand shrugs. "It's a worm Buck." He tells him, like the man should have known, and well he should have. Buck just looks at him with a fond look on his face.

The two women laugh at Christophers sass towards Buck. "Definitely Eddie's son." Shannon states, shaking her head. "Alright Chris, Mommy has to leave. I'll see you this weekend." She stands from her seat and crouches down, pulling Christopher in for a hug when he walked towards her. "I love you."

"Love you too." Christopher says back, holding his mother tight. Shannon hugs him for a few moments before pulling away and standing up. She says her goodbyes and leaves, leaving Christopher with the other two adults. 

"So, I kind of asked Chimney to move in." Maddie says after a few moments of silence and Buck hands the worm back over to Christopher and instructs him to go put it back where he found it so that his family wasn't missing him, because why wouldn't he say that?

Buck nods slowly, pursing his lips. "And you didn't ask me first?" He asks, irritation lacing his voice. The two siblings had gotten the apartment together so Buck should have some say in who moved in. "Why can't you just move into Chim's place?" 

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