Chapter 31

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They had found Maddie. They followed their leads to big bear where Doug had taken her, presumably to kill her. Buck shudders at the thought as he's sitting in the back of the ambulance, holding onto his sister's hand tightly. They were on their way to the nearest hospital, needing to get Maddie and the baby checked out.

Buck was just glad she was alive, glad that they got to her in time. He knew though, that this was going to be a tough one for her to come back from as she had actually killed him. Doug was dead. Served him right, Buck thought.

They got to the hospital and she was rushed into a room, the doctors checking her injuries, doing tests and finally doing an ultrasound to check on the baby. "Your baby is fine." The doctor smiles, looking down at Maddie who was fixated on a spot on the wall. "And so are you, apart from some cuts and bruises, a couple of bruised ribs as well."

Maddie just nodded her head and looked over at her brother who was squeezing her hand gently. "Thank you." She whispered. "For finding me."

Buck swallows thickly, tears welling up in his eyes. "That's what we do right? We find each other." He says back, leaning forward to press a kiss to his sister's forehead.


It was Bucks first shift back at the station, a couple of weeks after the whole Doug situation. And Buck couldn't be any happier. He was back to work, his sister was okay, he was beyond happy with life at home.

The team had arranged a welcome back party of sorts for him, they had a cake and Bobby even made the chili he knew Buck loved, and he was surrounded by his family.

The shift was calm, a few calls here and there, nothing drastic like Buck was hoping for, even though that sounded terrible, but he was also glad to be going home for the night. "See you next shift!" Bobby calls out as Buck and Eddie walk out of the station, hand in hand, heading to Eddie's truck.

"So, was it a good first day back?" Eddie asks on the drive home, Buck watching out the window.

"It was." He hums softly, not saying much else.

Once they were home and inside, Buck immediately runs to the spare room and digs through the closet, finally locating what he was looking for. "Babe, why did you just-" he heard Eddie speak, stopping mid sentence as he came into view and saw the small velvet box in Buck's left hand, and a notebook in the other. Buck wanted to do this totally differently, he was going to take Eddie to dinner and it was going to be a whole thing, but he couldn't wait any longer. "What is that?" Eddie whispers, nearly inaudible.

"This?" He holds up the notebook, shrugging his shoulders. "Just my journal from, well you know when." He mumbles.

"Not that, the box."

Buck bites down on his bottom lip before laughing softly. "I wanted to do this differently Eddie, but I just couldn't wait any longer." He sets the notebook down on the bed and slowly gets down on one knee, trying not to wince at the slight pain in his bad leg.

Eddie already has tears in his eyes, watching his boyfriend. "Wait." He says and quickly leaves the room, leaving Buck to frown. Did he really just leave when Buck was about to propose? Eddie came back minutes later, much to bucks' surprise with a similar looking velvet box in his hand.

"Wait, is that what I think it is?" Buck raises an eyebrow and watches as Eddie too, gets down one knee, the two men chuckling softly.

"I wanted to be the one to propose. And you almost beat me to it." Eddie laughs, shaking his head. "I'll let you go first though."

Buck rolls his eyes fondly. "After everything that's happened lately, I didn't want to wait any longer. You never know what's going to happen next." Buck whispers. "Eddie, during the lowest point in my life, you were there. You're always there. You were there after those awful people let me go, you were there during the horrible months after the truck bombing, and even when Doug took Maddie." He takes a breath, his hands trembling as he opens up the box, revealing a black plated tungsten ring, with a wooden inlay. "In your arms, I've found my home, Eddie. Will you make this home complete by becoming my husband?"

Eddie nods his head, a choked sob coming from his throat. As much as he wanted to pull Buck in for a kiss, he couldn't, he had his own proposal to do. "Buck, I think I've always known deep in my heart that you're my forever. I'm not great with words, so this won't be anything extravagant." He says, making Buck chuckle wetly, they both had tears streaming down their cheeks by now. "You Buck, are my best friend, my greatest love. In a world full of uncertainties, you are my constant. Will you be my forever partner in navigating life's journey?" He opens the box to reveal the ring he had picked out for Buck, a silver band with a Pearl inlay which also happened to be Christopher's birthstone, because Buck loved that kid just as much Eddie did and he knew it would be special to him. On the inside is the word forever carved into the metal.

"Yes Eddie, of course." Buck breathes and slowly stands on his feet, Eddie doing the same. They close the distance between each other and share a soft, quick kiss before placing the rings on each other's fingers. "Leave it to us to both want to be the one to propose." Buck laughs and pulls Eddie into a tight hug. "I love you Eddie and I can't wait to spend forever with you." He whispers to his fiancé.

"I can't wait to be your husband." Eddie says back. He suddenly remembers the notebook Buck had in his hand when he first walked into the room. "Hey, why'd you have the notebook?" He questions, Buck's face going red.

"You know I wrote a lot when I was in that basement, and after I got out, when I was living with you, Shannon and Chris." Eddie nods. "I wrote about you, quite a bit actually. I was going to let you read some of it, so you'd understand just how much you mean to me. But you don't have to if you don't want to, I just figured I'd give you the option."

"I want to. Just not right now." He says and grabs Buck's hand, intertwining their fingers. "I want to take my fiancé to bed and celebrate." Eddie says in a tone that Buck recognizes. "Take advantage of the child free night." He adds and that's all Buck needs to hear before he's dragging his fiancé back to their bedroom for the night.

I'm sorry for the lack of posting the last week and a half. I just didn't have any inspiration. So this chapter is a bit shitty and rushed lol.

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