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Aydin is a famous Thai business group, holding great economic power. That's why many people want to target this corporation with a plot to rob it. Aydin has three sons, the second son, Pond Naravit, once met his partner and had an accident, which is also the beginning of a story related to spirituality.

Pond's soul wandered into a bar that Phuwin managed. In fact, at night it was a place to save the souls of the dead, called "An Linh" shop by Phuwin. Love blossomed between PondPhuwin in just 49 days with the promise "When I wake up I will find you". Will he really come back to find you after waking up?

Joong Archen, the eldest son of Aydin Group, is a hidden person who does not like the business world. Because his younger brother had an accident, he took over the business. Joong took his younger brother for secret treatment, plotting to capture Dunk Natachai, an excellent doctor in the Thai medical community, to save his younger brother. Dunk was detained, and from then on gradually entered his life, understanding his emotional shortcomings, which also caused feelings to arise. He only discovered this love when Dunk started to run away after Pond woke up. He returned to "An Linh", looking for his friend Phuwin.

From then on, gradually entering his life, understanding his emotional shortcomings, and causing feelings to arise. He only discovered this love when Dunk started to run away after Pond woke up. He returned to "An Linh", looking for his friend Phuwin.

During his stay at the Aydin villa, Dunk met a younger brother, Fourth Nattawat, who was said to have worked here three years ago. Also knowing that Fourth often goes with Gemini, he looks at Gemini with admiring eyes. Until one day, Fourth asked him to look into his eye condition, the symptom of being able to see strange things, possibly souls after he turned 18 years old.

Fourth has feelings for Gemini, but I only dare to keep those feelings in my heart, because of the barrier of low status, I don't dare to climb high, I just silently look at Gemini from afar and love him secretly.

Those eyes that can see souls are special eyes that only belong to members of the Tangsakyuen clan, a mysterious ethnic group in the world that no one has discovered. Phuwin is looking for his missing brother, will he quickly find him when his brother is living in the dangerous Aydin, Fourth Nattawat?




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Belongs to a special mysterious tribe in the world, possessing eyes that can see other people's souls. He is the owner of a shop that saves the souls of the dead called "An Linh".



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A famous doctor in the Thai medical community, for him the hospital is home. Besides that, "An Linh" is where Dunk likes to go. There is a close friend, Phuwin, who knows about the existence of the Tangsakyuen magic eye tribe.



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Life revolves around only one person - Gemini Norawit. He has worked at Aydin since he was seventeen years old and has since considered Gemini the light of his life. Phuwin's lost brother



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Second son and president of Aydin business group. Famous for being a heartless, insensitive, heartless person who puts business first and doesn't care about anything else.

After the accident, Pond got lost in "An Linh", his attitude and emotions changed, he was in the present and must have been in a soul state like two different people.



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The eldest son of the Aydin family, even though he is the eldest, probably doesn't care about the family business and just likes to stay at home. Joong Archen stands behind and protects Aydin with his hidden rules, simply put, he is the mafia.



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The youngest son of Aydin Group, because he is the youngest brother, he probably doesn't need to work much except go to school. However, he must also be gradually learning his brother's business story. Gemini is a highly educated person, he is good at everything, except recognizing his feelings.

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