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This is the first time Phuwin has encountered this case, the souls of the deceased are not really together but are separated, meaning this person is not completely lost. He had read about this case through books, but if he encountered it, it would be the first time he encountered it. Facing Pond's surprised eyes, he only spoke

"Within 49 days, if your soul does not return to your body, it means you will completely die"

For souls that only partially leave the body, the survival rate is very high if Phuwin is involved, but right now Pond doesn't remember anything about himself, finding his body again is very difficult, let alone only 49 days. The explanation ended, Phuwin had no need to keep him for long, this was An Linh, not a place to help the living, Phuwin also did not want to be entangled in unrelated matters.

"Okay, you can leave, there's nothing here that can answer you anymore."

Phuwin dismissed him bluntly. He neatly folded the notepad and put it back on the shelf, took the tea cup, rinsed it with water, and left it on the tray.

"Why haven't you left yet?"

Phuwin turned around and still saw Pond's figure standing and staring at him, his eyes must have been deep, intending not to leave here.

"I don't know where to go?"

Phuwin burst out laughing when he heard his words

"You are a soul, wandering aimlessly and freely. You can go anywhere. If you want to live, find your body."

The words were unintentional because Phuwin had no intention of harboring him. The fact that he suddenly came here today surprised him, and was even more surprised when his soul only had six parts, that's why. Because if he hadn't cast a spell on him, his body would have been completely like a normal person, his feet could still touch the ground and there would be no light around him.

Pond knew this strange boy's intention to chase him away, so he could only look around for a while. He doesn't remember anything right now, he's uncertain and doesn't know what to do next. He decided not to go, because he felt that the person in front of him would be reluctant.

Phuwin turned around and looked puzzled at the figure who had been standing still for a while, and in the end he could only sigh.

"My guests have a place for souls to stay. If you want, you can stay, but if you stay for a long time, you have to work. I don't accommodate idle people."


"Follow me"

Phuwin led Pond to a corridor dimmed by yellow light, along the way there were still a few charm strings scattered along with the gentle ringing of a bell. Choosing the most normal room for Pond, one that normal people can live in, Phuwin pushed him inside so he could arrange his own sleeping place.

"Just rest here for now."

Phuwin turned to leave, but before he could take a few steps, his hand was grabbed tightly by him. Turning around to look into his eyes, Phuwin suddenly felt that deep expression as if he was about to ask for something.

"Can you...can you help me find my body?"

Regarding Pond's suggestion, Phuwin just gently removed his hand. He stood facing him, folded his arms, and gave a faint smile.

"Help you? What's in it for me?"

"I... am not sure about my identity. But if I come back to life, I will find you to repay you."

Phuwin curled his lips into a smile, looking at his serious face, his heart suddenly softened. He suddenly thought that after all, he had only been doing soul-saving work for so long, so it wouldn't matter if he investigated more about him, so he suddenly became interested. Phuwin didn't answer him, just silently turned around and left the room. Before leaving, he told him to take a shower. The blood stains on his body must have been unpleasant to look at. Phuwin walked out of the room, his red eyes were no longer bright, they returned to their normal red mixed with black color. The sound of footsteps once again rang out in the quiet hallway. Phuwin returned to his room, returning to a space where only the sound of wind chimes rang softly. Before going to sleep, he looked at the ceiling for a while, muttering to himself. The name I just heard - Pond Naravit, sounds very familiar, but I can't remember who it is.


The lights were still on in Aydin's villa, the dining table was full of food and delicacies, and there were two people silently waiting patiently for one person. More than an hour has passed since Gemini's first call to Pond, but he still hasn't returned home. Joong used his fingers to tap on the table as if counting the rhythm. He knew his younger brother's temperament. If he called, he would definitely return an hour earlier, and his company address was not more than an hour away. and haven't returned yet. The sound of the wind chimes in front of the door rang softly, breaking the quiet space of the house. Joong raised his eyes to look at Gemini

"Call Pond"

The two words were short, economical and concise, but enough for Gemini to understand what Joong meant. Gemini picked up the phone to make a second call to Pond. It rang three times before someone picked up. Before Gemini could ask, a few intermittent sounds rang out on the other end of the line.

"I...had an accident..."

Gemini's eyes widened, he stood up and shouted his brother's name but there was no response. The only thing he could hear coming through the phone was the chatter of passersby. Quickly hanging up, he turned to look at Joong

"Pond had an accident"

"Locate its location, go to it"

Joong quickly stood up, Gemini also quickly left. From the kitchen, a small looking boy came out carrying a bowl of soup to reheat for the second time. He looked up at the two homeowners who were hastily doing something and only asked politely.

"Where are you going, master?"

"I'm going on business, pack up and put away your food, you can eat it right away, you don't have to wait for us."

Gemini spoke up, grabbed the car key from the glass cabinet and ran after Joong. The two figures disappeared from the large villa, leaving the quiet space with a small figure stunned and bewildered for a few seconds. His eyes left the back that had disappeared behind the door, he looked at the table eating too many dishes that he had worked hard to cook and could only sigh.

"Fourth Nattawat, the master told you to eat, how can you eat it all? This is a portion for three people"

Fourth quietly sighed and diligently packed up the dishes on the table and brought them to the back of the kitchen. He only chose one of the simplest dishes among those special dishes and ate them, packing the rest in boxes and putting them in the refrigerator. The small figure toiled in the kitchen for a while. After finishing cleaning, he returned to the main door, his eyes looking up, waiting for someone. Looking at the clock, it was already night time, he didn't dare to sleep, because his master hadn't come home yet, moreover, he had a habit of waiting for his master to sleep first before he dared to go to sleep, so all night Fourth stood waiting for his master. I returned without knowing that  they were probably in the hospital, and had no intention of returning.

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