Chapter 22

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<<Kimberley - Where are you? I thought you'd be here early?x >>

I turned my phone on vibrate and tossed it back in my bag, I had no intention of replying to the text message, I'd see her soon enough anyway.

It was 10.30pm on New years Eve, I was sitting by the side of John in a taxi on the way to the club to celebrate, But I didn't really feel like celebrating. I didn't feel like seeing her.

I was planning on getting to the club early to help Sarah out a little but my evening hadn't gone to plan.

I was wearing a tight short black skirt that I'd changed out 3 times already this evening. It was uncomfortable, I could hardly breath in it and I'm sure I was showing far to much leg than was appropriate. I knew I shouldn't of bought it but Sarah had talked me into and told me it suited me, Suited a prostitute more like.

In the end I decided to wear the dress because what else could I wear? Jeans and a Vest top surely weren't apt for a fancy New Years Eve party.

So after lots of um'ing and arr'ing and a few drinks back at the flat with John we finally got a taxi 2 hours later than anticipated.

I really should have been looking forward to tonight, I'd not seen my Kimberley for 6 full days and I had missed her more than I could handle. But her behaviour over the last week and made me question her once again.

I'd spend the most wonderful Christmas day with her and she'd even phone me that night after she's arrived in Leeds and we stayed up later talking about the most random things.

I stayed over at Sarah house through to Boxing day evening, Spending a very interesting day with Sarah & Fraz's parents. I exchanged a few text with Kimberley at the start of the week and a couple of telephone calls as well. We really seemed to be getting closer and she was even flirting with me, But all of that came to a grinding halt midweek when she'd not replied to any of my texts messages, So I gave her a call to see if she was ok. After a very awkward conversation with her I learnt that Justin had gone up to Leeds to surprise her and they where now enjoying some 'Quality' time together.

I know he's her boyfriend and I shouldn't really be shocked by this news but I really had thought we where getting somewhere after the Christmas we'd spend together, I guess I was wrong. I guess it was just a 'Traditional Kiss' Under the mistletoe.

I stopped texting her after that, She sent me a couple but I didn't reply, I'd got the message. But if I need anymore help receiving the memo I got it loud and clear a couple of days ago when Kimberley called the club and spoke to Sarah making sure Justin's and his brothers names where down on the guest list for tonight.

That night I felt very sorry for myself and called John up, He took me out to a few other clubs in soho and I woke up in the morning nursing his toilet seat, I'd not been that Ill in a good few years.

So here I was pulling up outside 'Club Hard' in a taxi where I'd have to face the object of my desire once again and her fiancé.

"Chez, You go on in. I'm just gonna nip across the road and say Hey to a few friends" John told me after he'd paid the taxi driver "I'll be 10 minutes . . .You can come with me if you want?"

"No, I'll see you in a bit" I told him

"Evening Miss Tweedy" One of the bouncers called as he opened me the door to the packed club.

Wow it was the busiest I've seen it. I saw Fraz behind the bar so I walked my up to it.

"Hey" I called out to him

"Cheryl, Give us a hug" He shouted over the bar, I stood on the metal poll running around the bottom of the bar to give me a better chance of reaching him as I leaned over the bar to hug him "You look Nice" he shouted in my ear before I pulled away.

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