Chapter 5

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"What" I muttered under my breath

She sits herself up & removes the sun glasses she's wearing and looks me dead in the eyes

"Come back to England with us Cheryl"

"I cant" I say shaking my head

"Why, Give me one reason?"

I bow my head, there is no reason, only Fear.

Its not like I've never thought about returning to England and looking for her, Its all I think about. But every time I get close to seriously considering it the Fear kicks in. Fear of rejection, Fear that she'll hate me.

At the moment I'm in Limbo, I can still cling to the dream of having her back in my life one day, The fear of knowing she doesn't want me would just kill me.

"I have a job here Sarah" I tell her

"You have a job waiting for you in London" She tells me with a smile

"What do you mean"

"Babe, I love Tom I really do but do you honestly think id fly all the way over to Ibiza for 48 hours when I've got my Bar launch in less than 2 weeks time"

I just looked at her with a confused expression on my face until it hit me, She knew I was here, It was me she came to Ibiza for.

"You knew I was here?" I asked in slight shock

"Not exactly No" She shook her head "The last couple of months every time I've spoken to Tom on the phone he's raved on about this Feisty girl called Cheryl... I gotta tell you I was getting pretty Jealous at first"

"Oh" I say feeling embarrassed

"Yeah, But a few days ago he mentioned you had a Geordie ascent" She says with a grin "This got me thinking, There cant be to many Feisty Geordie Girls called Cheryl running away from there problems"

"Probably not no"

"So I decided to bring myself out here and see if this friend of Toms was the same girl that vanished from our life 4 years ago . . . . . . And Guess what" She says placing her hand over my knee "She is"

"What are the chances .. Eh" I say sarcastically with a hint of a grin

"So how about it" She says looking me dead in my eyes again, I don't think id ever seen Sarah look so serious before.

By stomach lurches at her quizzing and I can feel beads of sweat threatening my hair line.

"I have a life here Sarah" I lie

She startles me by breaking into a cackling sort of a laugh.

"What" I say defensively

"You have a life here?"

"Yeah" I mutter

"Not according to Tom" She says

"What does he know" One thing I hate & that's people talking about me behind my back.

"Toms your best friend, He's leaving." She says sadly

She has a point the idea of Tom going back to England leaving me on this Island all alone was playing on my mind long before Sarah showed up.

"The Seasons coming to a close, Tom says works gonna dry up as well"

"True" Girls done her homework

"Listen to what I'm offering you Cheryl... A job, a flat and a chance to be happy"

* * * * * * * * * * * * *

I've been flicking thru the channels on the TV now for most of the afternoon never settling on one for longer than a minute, I don't understand any of them anyway. Just a random bunch of foreign words strung together. I'd never really got to grips with the Spanish lingo only picking up a few words here & there.

It was merely an attempt at an distraction anyway. Sarah's words had been running thru my mind since id left her on the beach this morning.

"A job, A Flat and a chance to be Happy ......... Happy . . . . .Happy with Kimberley "

The pro's out weighed the negatives. It didn't take a genius to work that out but the fear was still there eating away at my insides.

After spending most of the afternoon trying to come to a decision and getting no where fast I decide to leave my flat to get some fresh air & clear my head.

I lock my front door and walk down the stairs on my apartment complex the warm air hits me straight away.

Could I really give up this glorious sun for rainy old England?

I cross the road and walk for a few minutes before I reach the beach, I take my flip flops off carrying them in my hand as my toes come in contact with the warm sand.

Once I find a quiet spot I sit down on the sand & watch the waves crashing against the shore line.

It's a sight I don't think I'll ever get tired of.

"Cheryl" A familiar ascent startles me out of my daydream

"Hi Erm. .. . " Panic surges thru my body as I trip over my words & my mind goes blank

"Its John . . From the other night" He says sheepish

"Yes Course, You didn't think id forget you, did you" God he must think I'm a right slapper, Sleep with random men then forget there names.

"Of course not you just looked, Blank" He says as he scratches the back of his neck

"Sorry long day" I smile on the charm offensive

"Really, Why don't you let me take you out for dinner & you can fill me in" He smiles. Dinner With Geordie John? Well it would be a distraction.

Hanging By A Moment (Sequel to Funhouse)Where stories live. Discover now