Chapter 35

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I laid in bed facing her, watching her take tiny breaths in and out. Her mouth was wearing a content smile. The covers had fallen by her waist allowing me to marvel at her naked upper torso as she slept.

I couldn’t take my eyes off her…. her nose, her lips, her chest. I’d been awake now watching her sleep for longer than I can remember and the view in front of me was just getting more and more beautiful.

Last night was amazing, Really better than any dream I could have had about the two of us. It was tender and passionate, It was love. We spent the night exploring each others bodies & hearts. In the early hours of the morning after hours of connecting we fell asleep in each other arms. I’d never felt that close to a human being in my life and I know she felt that same. My heart was singing for her. 

I watched her contently for many more minutes until watching wasn’t enough anymore, I reached my hand out and ran the tips of my finger down her cheek. Her skin was soft and damp, Tiny particles of perspiration bubbling on her skin from the heat of the room.

I traced the outline of her lips with my thumb, I had to Stop myself from leaning in and replacing it with my lips. 

Ever fibre in my body was telling me to lean in and wake her with a kiss, I really needed to feel her lips on mine once more. I didn’t want to startle her though, I’m not sure how she’d feel about being abruptly awoken by me forcing myself on her.

I should probably have let her sleep, but I couldn’t I was still buzzing from last night and needed to know she felt the exact same as me. 

I retracted my hand from her face and laid it by my side, I rested my head back on the pillow then put my plan in action. I took a deep breath in and blew out hard watching her hair being swept away with my breath. Her eye twitched and her hand moved slightly. I closed my eyes and steadied my breathing. I laid silently for few moments hoping to feel her stirring from her slumber, But she didn’t. My plan couldn’t of worked. I opened my eyes and my breath caught in my throat as I saw her bright eyes starring dead into my own.

We laid in silence with matching goofy grins on our faces until Kimberley reached across and took hold of my hand, Squeezing it tightly.

“Morning” I smiled at her

She gave me the most adorable smile before I continued “How did you sleep?”

She unclasped my hand that was in hers and brought her hand to my lips, She placed her middle finger over my lips and made a “SSsssusshing” Noise.

I opened my mouth slightly as she tenderly touched my lips with her finger, She shuffled a few inches across the bed and brought her face so close to mine I could feel her breath on my lips. She moved her hand across to my cheek cupping my face in her hands, And tracing her thumb over my dimpled cheek.

Her eyes never leaving mine, I felt like I was drowning in the intensity of her gaze.

“Kim” I muttered

Once again she placed her finger back over my lips and “Sssushed” me. She obviously wasn’t in the mood for small talk.

Once she knew I wasn’t going to say anymore she went back to her earlier movements, hovering her thumb over the indent of my dimple. Her intense stare making my stomach jolt. Her hand then left cheek, softly she ran her finger tips down my neck over my shoulder and down the length of my arm until she reached my hand, intertwined our fingers. She let out a content breath and her lips turned up into a soft smile, She squeezed my hand tightly before she cocked her head forward and placed her lips on mine. She Kissed me firmly catching my bottom lip between her own and gently sucking it into her own mouth. I think she let out a moan, but to be honest it could have been me. My whole body had Goosebumps. The kiss came to a natural end before she placed another lingering kiss over my lips, then another and another.  Once she was satisfied that she’d showed my lips enough attention she pulled her head back slightly so she could look in to my eyes, She smiled a delightful smile then leaned in and placed a single kiss on the tip of my nose. 

Hanging By A Moment (Sequel to Funhouse)Where stories live. Discover now