Chapter 37

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“What about him” I scoffed. I really didn’t want to be having a discussion about him when there was better things we could be doing with our time.

“Urm. . .I really don’t know how to say this babe” She said slowly, She raised her hand to my face before she started speaking again “He’s dead”

Dead? My uncles dead?

“What!” I gasped

“He died a few days ago, That’s why Pam’s been calling…. She thought you should know”


I didn’t know what to say or think, Dead. She continued to caress my cheek and look at me with sympathetic eyes. My whole body turned numb.

“Babe” She said stroking my face “Are you ok?” 

“Never better” I laughed sarcastically

I got up from the bed just needing to do anything to distract myself from the look in her eyes, I started to pace the floor.

“Cheryl” Kim tried again.

“How?” I shouted

“How did he die?” Kim asked me quietly as she fiddled with her fingers sat on the bed

“Yes” I asked her coldly

“Liver failure” 

“Of Course, Bastard drank himself to death, Why did I even bother to ask” I spat out angrily.

I was getting more angry by each passing second and didn’t know why, I’d wished this upon him so many times in the last 10 years but now it had actually happen I didn’t know what I was feeling.

I stood on the spot by the bed and took a deep breath trying to halt the tears I didn’t want to be crying over him. 

“Babe, Come here” Kimberley said as she approached me. She reached out her hand for me to take, I squatted it away.

 I couldn’t let her hold me right now. 

“I’m fine” I said taking a step away from her. I immediately regretted it seeing the hurt flash across her face.

She dropped her hands to her side and stood in front of me nervously.

“I’m sorry, Just give me a minute . ..Please” I told her.  I didn’t want her touching me when I felt like putting my fist through the wall. 

She ran her fingers through her hair and then nodded her head to me showing me she understood my request.

“I’ll go and get ready for bed” She sighed as she walked into the bathroom.

The moment the door was closed I felt even more alone.

I paced the room for a few more minutes not really knowing what to do with myself, Why did I feel like this. He was a horrible man 99% of the time but at this moment in time all I can think about where the happy times, The times before whisky became his best friend.

Its not long before the first tears come, Moments latter my body’s racked with sobs. I climb on to the bed and curl up into a ball crying silently into my pillow.

I don’t know how long it is till I hear the bathroom door creek open but as soon as I do Kimberley’s by my side kneeling on the floor by the bed.

She places a comforting hand on my shoulder, I take my head out of the pillow to see her. Immediately her hands are on my face wiping the tears away with the pad of her thumb.

Hanging By A Moment (Sequel to Funhouse)Where stories live. Discover now