Chapter 41

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“Is it still snowing” I asked Kimberley as she made her way back from the bathroom. We’d spent the last few hours in bed cuddling and talking.
“No, Its stopped. . .  The sky still looks full of it though” She closed the curtains again and went over to the table and started rummaging around in her handbag.
“Oh god” She gasped as she retrieved her mobile phone from her bag
“What?” I asked her
She walked back over to the bed climbing back into the warmth with her mobile in her hand.
“I must of left my phone on silent after the service yesterday, I’ve so many missed calls and text messages” She moaned as she cuddled back into my side while skimming the messages on her phone
“My girls so popular” I teased her
“Hmm..” She mumbled distractedly 
“Kimberley” I moaned 
“What . .” She replied while typing out a message on her phone
“Your ignoring me” I pouted 
She looked up from her mobile with an adorable expression on her face
“I’m not baby, Just give me two seconds” She replied while she went back to typing away
I was in a playful mood and couldn’t wait that long to have her attention back on me so I twisted my arm around her body and pulled her on top of me.
“Cheryl” She giggled looking down at me
“Your two seconds where up” I grinned
She dropped her phone by the side of the bed and cupped my face in her hands “Baby” She smiled at me
“Sorry, I couldn’t help myself” I confessed
She settled her hand on my neck and pressed her lips against mine in a tender kiss.
“That was nice” I breathed on to her lips when we parted
She smiled at me before doing it again, I placed my hand on the back of her head pulling her closer as I chewed gently on her bottom lip.
“Anything important” I asked her as she settled at the side of me
“Few text messages and a voice mail, I’ll listen to that later” She replied as she stroked my hip with her thumb
“You can look at your phone, I don’t mind really . .I was just messing with you”
“I know, You should look at yours though, I bet you left yours on silent as well . . .You’re always doing that” 
“I don’t always”
“Why is it that every time Sarah or Fraz want you they end up phoning my phone then” Kimberley went on
“Kimberley” I moaned
“See I’m right” She giggled while poking me in the ribs teasingly
“You so wrong” I pouted
“No, I’m not” She grinned
“Have I ever missed a call from you? Or not replied to a text messages straight away?” I asked her seriously 
“Urm . . .”
“The answers your looking for is No” I told her. I took her hand and held it in mine
“If I’m not with you my phone is in my hand or in my pocket on vibrate & loud, If I am with you I couldn’t care less where my phone is or what setting its on because I’m only interested in talking to you and being with you”
“Chez” She stroked my cheek with her hand
“It’s the truth” 
“I love you” 
“I love you more” I giggled before she kissed me again, it wasn’t long before her lips where travelling lower down my body.

* * * * * * * * * * * *

“Chez, I need a pen” Kimberley told me. Her phone was pressed up to against her ear as she was listening to the voicemail that had been left for her.
I rolled across the bed to the bedside cabinet and passed her the complimentary hotel pen & note pad, She smiled at me as she jotted down a telephone number with a Newcastle STD code. She ended the call and put her phone back down on the bed.
“What’s that for I asked?”
“That’s the number of your uncles solicitors, He got my number from Pam and wants to speak to you” She gave me a sympathetic smile
“Oh, Ok” I muttered, I was hoping that chapter in my life would finally be over, Guess not.
“Can you do it now babe” Kimberley asked handing me the paper
“I’ll do it later, There’s no rush” I told her
“Cheryl” She sighed 
“Kimberley” I mimicked her
“Please just do it now, For me?”
“Why?” I asked
“Because I know you . ..You’ll have this in the back of your mind ticking away at you until you do and selfishly I’d like all your attention on me” She smiled coyly
“You know me, Huh?” I teased her
“I think so, . . Yeah I do” She smiled back
“What am I thinking now then?” I asked her seductively
She draped her leg over mine and ran her hand down my arm until she reached my hand, Once she did she held it loosely.
“Your thinking about kissing me” She smiled, She wasn’t wrong.
I pulled her into me and did just that, I kissed her hard on the lips. Wasting no time I slipped my tongue into her mouth seeking out her own as they danced together. When the kiss ended I placed my head against hers before leaving a chaste kiss on her lips.
“I think I like you knowing me” I smiled 
“So you’ll make the call?” She asked immediately 
“Kimberley, Way to ruin the moment” I moaned
“I’m sorry babe, Will you just phone” She pouted
“Jeeez, Give me your phone then, I’m not getting out of bed to look for mine” 
She placed her phone in my hand and gave me the note pad with the number on, I dialled the number and waited for the call to connect.
“This is the office of R.M Prescott where sorry but the office is closed at the moment, Business hours are 9 to 5 Monday to Friday. Please phone back within that time or leave a message after the beep” I hung up the phone and placed it back on the bed
“Shut for the weekend”  I told Kim who was looking at me quizzically
“You’ll have to phone them back Monday morning then” She sighed
“I suppose” 
“No suppose babe, You will” She giggled before biting my bottom lip gently
“You’re so Bossy” I laughed
“I am, Now what do you want to do today?”
“I don’t know, I’m enjoying just laying here with you, but I am getting a bit hungry” I told her
“Yeah me to”
“I was thinking and I don’t want to sound ungrateful because I love that you planned this weekend for us, But maybe with the weather like it is we should go back down south before its so bad that we cant” 
“I was thinking that as well” She sighed
“What if we go down and get breakfast then hit the road, If it clears up we could stop for lunch on the way?”  
“Yeah, That would properly be the sensible thing to do. .  but I really want to stay in bed all day with you” She moaned
I stroked my hand against her hip bone and placed a gentle kiss on her lips.
“Your starting to sound like me” I giggled
“I Just really miss you” She bit her lip
“Babe, I’m right here”
“You know what I mean, I hardly ever go to sleep with you by my side and that’s one of the things I love the most”
I pulled her into me so we where pressed up against each other
“I know how you feel, and the only solution I can think of is for me to quit my job at the club and get another one” I’d been thinking about it for awhile
“No Chez, You love working with Sarah” She gasped shocked
“I do, But I love spending time with you more . . Maybe I could get a part time job and just do the odd night at the club” 
“Maybe, Just don’t rush into anything” 
“I wont” I placed my lips on hers and kissed her
“We should get up shouldn’t we” Kimberley said in defeat
“Yeah, How about once we get back to London we go fetch Lou from Sarah’s and take him a walk in the park, It I’ll be really nice in the snow, Then we can get a take away and crawl in bed and watch a DVD, then  maybe an early night?” 
“That sounds wonderful minus the 5 hour drive back south” 
“I promise I’ll stay awake this time and keep you entertained” 
“You better” She giggled
“I will, Now give us a kiss and a cuddle before I have to get out of this warm bed” 
She gave me an adorable smile before pulling me into her lips

Hanging By A Moment (Sequel to Funhouse)Where stories live. Discover now