Chapter 4

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"Do you know?" I ask, there's no point hiding from the inevitable.

"Do I know that you shagged her then ditched her" her words cut thru me "Then yeah I know" My eyes drop to the table unable to handle Sarah's stare.

"It wasn't like that" I meekly say feeling all the emotion of the past rush back.

"I know" She reaches for her bag flinging it over her shoulder as I sink further into my chair.

"Come on" she says reaching for my hand "Let take a walk down to the beach, I've only got 2 days here so I need to make the most of those rays" She jokes as I take her hand.

We walk down to the beach in silence as thoughts of Kimberley are at the front of my mind.

Everything I've wanted to know in the last four years is filling my head and finally someone can answer my questions.

"Here's a good spot" Sarah says as she opens her bag pulling out a beach towel. She lays it on to the sand and motions for me to sit.

I park my bum on the fluffy towel next Sarah's as she coats herself in sun cream.

"Do you still think about her" She says looking up from her sun glasses taking me completely off guard.

"All the time" I answer honestly

"Did you love her?"

"More than anything" I answer, I cant help but think I'm being tested

"Why did you leave her then" She says her voice slightly raised

"I had to" I bite back

"No, Don't give me that crap. I've heard that shit from her and after 4 years I still don't understand it. So Cheryl make me understand it" She says taking her shades off giving me the most serious face I think She could manage.

"Ever since I cant remember I was always getting a clip round the ear for doing nothing, then on a few occasions I got the belt or the slipper for speaking out of turn" I take a breath playing with the sand by my feet "I remember one day he was in a good mood so he bought me a ice cream and I dropped it, that was the first day he punched me. After that every time I was late or said something he didn't like I'd have a bruise to show for it"

"I'm sorry Cheryl" she says cutting me off. I hold my hand up to her signalling that I'm not finished if I don't say this all now I probably never will.

"I wasn't long before he started to drink more and I was getting beatings for no reason what's so ever, But I used to put it to the back of my mind and just accept that was my life, That was the hand I'd been dealt. But then I met her and she made me feel loved and special and I realised I didn't deserve that life. I loved her so much Sarah. I'd of done anything to be with her but I didn't want her to regret me and if id of stayed she would of resented me for mucking her life up" a tear that id been holding desperately in trickles down my face as I finish

"She would never of regretted you" Sarah says quietly

"Ever since I met her she talked about her ambitions and goals in life with so much passion, I really admired how driven she was. Then my drama's started interfering in her life and she was talking about jobs and moving out, I couldn't take her dream away from her" I look back at Sarah her faces has soften with my words

"Did she graduate? Is she a teacher?" I ask

"She is" Sarah answers

"If I'd of stuck around that wouldn't of happened she'd of been working at the local supermarket" I tell her now knowing I did make the right decision

"Maybe she would" Sarah says "But she would have been happy"

My heart drops as Sarah says those words "She's not happy?" I ask close to tears once more

"She is but it took awhile to get there"

"Tell me about her" I ask hopeful

"She just moved down to London in September to teach at a school around the corner from me, She's really enjoying it. I don't know how she does it, 20 bratty 9 years olds no thanks" She jokes

"Is she seeing anyone?" I bite the bullet

"She is" Sarah answers.

"Oh" My face falls, she moved on. its been four years what did I expect really

"He's called Justin, he's still up in Manchester I don't think its to serious" She smiles giving me a life line

"Does she ever mention me?"

"Cheryl, I love Kimba and I'm not going to sit and tell you all the gory details of the last four years, I hope you'll have that conversation with her. I know she's like to see you again"

"Maybe" I mutter

"Why don't you come back to England with me and Tom?"

Hanging By A Moment (Sequel to Funhouse)Where stories live. Discover now