Chapter 21

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"Oh . . she's not still snivelling is she?" Sarah said walking back into her front room with a mince pie in her hand.

We where sat in Sarah's living room watching Titanic. Sarah and Tom on one sofa, me & Kim on the other.

"It's Sad" I said as I wiped my eyes with a tissue

"It was Sad Ten Years ago, Cheryl" Sarah glared at me as she offered me a mince pie "Now, Its like for Christsake" she throw her hands in the air gesturing wildly "its Christmas day do we really need to see Leo drown again & if we do can he get on with it . ..Please! . . This film goes on for ever" She ranted

"Shut up, Sarah. The last time I saw this is was in Spanish" I told her she was talking over the best bit

"She cried then to" Fraz laughed

I shot him a dirty look.

"What a shock" Sarah said sarcastically

"Aww are they teasing you, Babe" Kimberley giggled while placed her hand on my knee and shaking it gently.

"Your such a cry baby, Chez" Sarah teased further

"Leave her alone, Its sweet" Kimberley told her.

I tried to concentrate on the rest of the film but I wasn't oblivious to the fact that Kimberley's hand was still on my leg but now it had somehow risen up and was resting gently on my thigh.

10 minutes had passed, Leo had drowned and we where back to the old women from the start of the film and in that time Kimberley's hand had not moved a centimetre, What was she doing to me.

I bit the bullet, I casually (although there was nothing casual about the internal debate id been having with myself) placed my hand over hers loosely holding it. She tilted her head towards me and gave me a shy smile. I smiled back, I could feel my heart exploding with Love for her.

"Weather looks like its getting worse out there" Fraz observed as he looked out of the back window.

"Sure your alright to drive back up there, Kim?" Sarah asked

"Yeah, But I better get off soon and go pick Lou up" She replied

"You can kip here you know, Chezza's crashing to .. We can have a slumber party?" Sarah said optimistically

"I wish I could, but you know if I stay I'll only get it in the neck and next year they'll make me head up on the 23rd just to be sure im there" Kimberley explained

"Fair point" Fraz said

"Do you guys mind if I have a quiet word with Cheryl . . . . Alone?" Kimberley asked the other.

"Sure, Why don't you go in to the conservatory, Its nice and peaceful in there" Sarah said cheery

"Ok, You got a sec then, Chez" She asked standing up

"Sure" I smiled, I really needed to give her her Christmas present as well so far I'd chickened out.

"Come on then" She said pulling me up with the hand she was holding.

"I just need to get something out of the car, Meet you in there" Kimberley told me in the hallway, I nodded and went to retrieve the pendant from my coat pocket.

I took a seat on the sofa in the conservatory and looked up at the dangling mistletoe, Surely that wouldn't work, Would it?

"Hey, Sorry about that" Kimberley said making her way towards me with a gift bag, She sat down on the sofa next to me.

"You have snow in your hair" I laughed as I reached up and removed a large flake.

Our eyes connected and I could see her cheeks flush red in an adorable blush.

Hanging By A Moment (Sequel to Funhouse)Where stories live. Discover now