Chapter 43

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“Your awake” I smiled at Kimberley as I felt her stirring by the side of me
“Hmm  ..” She yawned. She stretched her arm out before placing it back across my stomach.
“How you feeling?” I said pausing the film I’d been watching
“My heads banging” She sighed 
“Yeah, You still look quiet poorly” I put my hand on her forehead to check her temperature “Still hot as well”
“How long have I been asleep for” She said looking at me with sleepy eyes
“About 3 hours, I’m going to go and fetch you some tablets for your head” I said sliding out of bed.
I walked down the hall and took 2 paracetamols out of the cupboard and filled a glass with some water and returned to Kimberley. She sat up in bed and took the tablets from me, she Swallowed them and then took a sip of water.
“Thank you” She smiled as I hopped back on the bed with her
“No problem babe, I Kinda like taking care of you” I confessed
“I like you taking care of me, Just wish I didn’t feel so ill and I could enjoy it more” She stuck her lip out at me 
“I promise when your better I’ll take care of you then to” I told her
“For the record babe you always take good care of me” She winked cheekily before putting her head on my shoulder and cuddling into me.
“Nice to know” I grinned goofily at myself
“What are you watching anyway” She asked looking at the paused TV screen
“Uncle Buck, Have you seen?” I said as I un paused the TV
“Yeah, I love John Candy films”
“Me to” I smiled

We fell in to a comfortable silence as we watched the end of the film

* * * * * 

“I really enjoyed that” Kimberley said sitting up in bed as the film ended.
“Yeah me to, Really fancy watching Cool Running’s now or Planes Trains And Automobiles” I told her. 
“Or the Great Outdoors” She chipped in
“Yes, That was a classic” I agreed
“I’m sure they’ll have one of those at Blockbuster, babe” 
“Yeah, Probably” 
“Why don’t you pop down and see, We can watch it with our take away” She said rubbing my arm
“You still want to get a takeaway?” I asked her
“Yeah, I might not eat much but we should still get one” 
“What do you fancy?” I asked her
“I don’t mind, Like I said I only want a little bit so you pick” She took another sip of the water I’d got her and put it back on the side.
“I’ll surprised you then” I smiled. I knew exactly what I fancied “I might nip in to video shop to and get us a DVD and some popcorn” 
“Sounds great babe” She said as she yawned
“I’ll go now, Think you’ll be having a early night eh” I smiled at her
“Its possible” She chuckled
“Ok” I gave her quick kiss on the lips before getting out of bed and putting my jumper on.
“Can I put your coat on, I bet mines still wet” I asked her while putting my trainers on
“Course you can” She told me
“Thanks, I’ll be half an hour tops, text me if you need anything” I said as I headed to the door

* * * * * * * * * * * * * *

I’d been in blockbuster now for a few minutes  looking through all the great comedies of the 80’s, there where so many I couldn’t choose. I’d narrowed in down to the Goonies and The Naked Gun.
I decided to go and look at the sweets while I decided, I picked a bag of popcorn up and some chocolate and walked back over the Comedy section.
“Chezza” A familiar voice called behind me
I turned around and  was greeted by John throwing his arms around me
“Hiya” I greeted him happily once he’d released me.
“How’ve you been, I’ve not seen you since New Year” he smiled widely at me
“I’ve been good, Great even” I beamed
“Something’s put a smile on your face, Or should I say someone” He laughed 
“Yeah, You could say that”
“Kimberley?” He asked
“Yeah, Where together now” I grinned. 
“I’m really glad for you babe, You seem smittened” He teased me
“I am, I’m so happy John. I just cant get my head around it all” God I must seem like a right idiot.
“How long have you been together?” He asked
“New Years eve pretty much” 
“Wait, I was your date that night . . Did you cheat on me Tweedy?” He laughed
I smacked him gently on the arm and shook my head at him
“What are you doing in Blockbuster on Saturday night anyway? Why aren’t you out on the prowl” I asked him
“Ah that, . . Doctors orders” He said tapping his nose
“Nothing serious I hope” I said concerned
“Well it depends on your point of view, Its pretty damn serious to me” He said. I placed my hand on his arm to comfort him.
“I’m sorry, What’s wrong John” 
“Syphilis” he whispered
I let out a loud yelpey laugh and doubled over in laughter dropping the popcorn and chocolate on the floor. I couldn’t help it. I clung to the dvd rack letting it hold my body weight as I laughed.
“Cheryl” He said my name quickly looking embarrassed.
“I’m sorry, I’m Sorry that’s the funniest thing I’ve heard in a long time” I giggled.
He bent down and picked my confectionary up and passed it back to me.
“Don’t tell anyone, Ok . . That’s the last time I go on a stag do to amsterdam” He said looking around to see if anybody had over heard us.
“I wont” I replied
“Where’s the famous Kimberley anyway?” He asked obviously trying to change the subject
“She’s not feeling very well, She’s tucked up in bed” 
“Right, So your playing Nursey?” He smiled
“Something like that” I told him
“You’d look dead sexy as a nurse” He breathed out as he placed his hand on my bum
“John” I said loudly, I removed his hand and took a step back from him
“What?” he replied innocently 
“I better go, Kimberley’s waiting for me” I told him. 
“Better not keep saint Kimberley waiting” he sneered, I didn’t like his tone at all.
“Bye” I picked up one of the Dvd’s I’d been previously looking at off the shelve and made my way to the sales counter and hoped John wasn’t following me

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

“Hey, You’re still awake” I smiled as I walked back into our bedroom “I expected you to have fallen back asleep”
“I cant sleep when I know your out wandering the streets” She pouted sitting back up in bed.
“You’re sweet” I laughed at her
“What food did you get?” She asked me
“I’ll go get it, one sec” I told her as I walked back into the kitchen to get the food I’d left there minutes before. 
“My favourite” I smiled at her
“KFC” She grinned happily as I held up the bargin bucket “Did you get gravy?”
“Of course babe, That’s the best bit” I placed the bucket down on the bed and gave her some kitchen roll, KFC could get messy.
“Shall I put the DVD on?” I asked her
“Yeah, What did you get?” She asked pulling the duvet back for me
I popped the Dvd in the player and climbed into bed with her “Wait and see babe, it’s a classic, one of my favourites”
“Cheryl” She moaned in-between sticking chips in her mouth
“Oh guess who I saw in blockbuster?”  I said to her, I wasn’t sure if I should mention bumping into him but I decided I didn’t want to keep secrets from her
“Oh” She frowned. I knew she didn’t like him
“Yeah he was renting a DVD as well” I told her
“Are you seeing him again” She said looking down at the chicken
“Are you jealous” I laughed
“No” She grumbled
“You so are” I said poking her gently in the ribs
“Well, can you blame me” She said seriously looking a little hurt
“He’s Tall and Gorgeous, Cheryl . . .  . He obviously wants you” 
“Kimberley, Don’t be daft. He may want me but I wouldn’t touch him with a barge pole, I want you and only you” I shuffled closer to her and placed my arm around her shoulder
“Your sure” She looked up at me with watery eyes
“Of Course I’m bloody sure” I tilted my head towards her and placed a kiss on her lips “You don’t have worry about him, Or anyone else . . Ever” 
“I know, Sorry I was just being insecure . . I do trust you, Blame my fever for temporally insanity” She said putting her hand over mine.
“I will, Do you want to hear something that will cheer you up?” I asked her
“Good old John has Syphilis” I laughed
“You’re Joking” She giggled putting her hand over her mouth
“Nope, That’s why he was in blockbuster feeling sorry for himself” 
“Good” She said seriously
“Kimberley” I Laughed
“Sorry, I just don’t like the guy. I’ve got a bad feeling about him” She said peeling the crispy skin off a chicken leg and popping it into her mouth
“He’s harmless” I said picking the DVD remote up and pressing play

* * * * * * * * * ** * * * *

The credits of the film rolled and I detangled myself from Kimberley, She’d been fast asleep for most of the film. Gently snoring pressed up against me in my arms.
I walked over to the DVD Player and pressed ‘open’ I took the DVD out of the player and placed it back into the case.
I had to take Lou-Lou a walk anyway so I decided I might as well take the DVD back to the shop and post in through the letter box.
I put Kimberley’s coat back on and grabbed Lou-Lou’s lead placing it around his neck and headed off back in the direction of Blockbuster.
It was freezing outside and the drop in temperature had frozen the earlier fallen snow and turned it in to ice. 
I made my way carefully to the shop with Lou-Lou in tow and posted the DVD through the Letter box and headed back.  I was about half a mile from home when I head footsteps and loud voices laughing behind me, I quickly looked behind me and saw a group of lads in hoodies gaining on me. I heard a few wolf whistles in my directions and a few jeers called out to me. I was becoming very nervous as I walked down the dark street. I decided to take a short cut through the park, Hopefully they wouldn’t be heading in that direction. I walked across the road gripping Lou-Lou’s lead in my hand. I was walking quicker than I should have been on the slippery path, I tried to steady myself as I reached the top of the steps that lead into the park but it was to late as I slipped on a patch of ice, I reached out for the railings but it was too late as I went tumbling down the steps

Hanging By A Moment (Sequel to Funhouse)Where stories live. Discover now