Chapter 25

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"Kim, What's happened?" I asked as soon she hangs up the phone.

I watched her as her shaky hand dropped the phone on to the counter, She looked directly ahead her finger tips starting to drum along the counter top.


A tear trickled down her cheek but she continued to look at the wall in front, What ever had happened must have been bad, She seemed in shock.

"Babe" I repeated

I reached out and covered her hand that was resting on the counter top, lacing our fingers together.

She tilted her head towards me like she'd just remembered I was there with her.

I reached my free hand out and placed it on the side of her face, She leaned into the touch and accepted the comfort I was offering her.

"Kimberley Babe, What happened . . What did Amy say?" She looked down at her lap as her face crumbled.

I placed my hand under her chin and tilted her face back towards mine.

"Talk to me, Please" I asked her, she really was starting to scare me

"My dad . . .He . . He's been taken to the Hospital.. . .Car crash on the motorway" She stuttered out between sobs

"Is it serious?" I gasped

She Blinks back tears and nodded her head slightly indicating that it was.

"Oh Kim" I whispered as I felt tears prick my own eyes again.

I pulled her towards me and wrapped my arms around her as she cried in my arms.

"I need to go to the hospital" She mumbled into shoulder after a few minutes

"Ok" I said as she pulled away.

She was still visibly shaking and as white as a ghost.

"I'm sorry Cheryl, I know we where in the middle of something" She said as she unsteadily got to her feet, I slid out of the booth after her.

"Don't be daft" I told her.

She fumbled in her bag pulling her car keys out, I reached down and took them from her hand.

"What are you doing?" She asked confused

"I'm driving you, There's no way I'm letting you drive in this state" I told her, I wrapped my arm around her shoulder and lead her out of the club and round to the passenger side of her 4x4. I opened her the door and helped her get in to the car, I then leaned across her and fastened her seat belt. She was still in a daze staring straight ahead again lost in her own scary thoughts.

I rush around the other side of the car and climb into the driver side, I started the car up and pulled out into the road. It was a whole two minute later that I realized I had no idea where I was going.

"Kimberley, Which way?" I asked

She didn't answer me, So I asked her again, Still nothing.

I pulled the car into a near by bus stop bring it to a stop. I placed my hand on Kimberley's leg, It seemed to do the trick as she blessed me sad smile.

"Babe, I know this is hard but can you tell me where I'm heading, Geography is not one of my strong points" I asked her gently.

"Sorry, I wasn't thinking straight" She said shaking her head like she was literally knocking the cob webs out.

"Hey, Its fine 99% of people would know, I'm the exception" I laughed trying to make her smile poking fun at my lack of schooling

"You need to head to the M1, Northbound . . Erm press saved route 3 on the Route planner"

Hanging By A Moment (Sequel to Funhouse)Where stories live. Discover now