Chapter 38

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“Oi Oi” Sarah called from the kitchen as me & Kimberley walked down the hallway towards her after we’d shown ourselves in.

“Something smells nice” Kimberley said stepping into the kitchen. She lets go of my hand to pull Sarah into a gentle hug.

“Best taste good en all, I’m been slaving away all morning” Sarah cackled

“I’m sure it will” I tell her

“Come here you, Give me some sugar” Sarah tells me engulfing me in a bone crashing hug “You alright” She whispered in my ear.

“I’m fine” I tell her

She pulled back and looked at me before rushing back over to the stove and turning the gas down as a pan started to boil over.

She rested her back against the sideboard before speaking again “I think your lying” She tells me simply

Kimberley held my hand as I looked on at my blond friend.

“Seriously Sarah, I’m alright” I bluffed

“Hmm….” Sarah said as she took some glasses out of the cupboard

“I am” I told her again

“She’s not fine, but she’ll get there” Kimberley told Sarah as she squeezed my hand

“I’m in good hands” I smiled at Kimberley as I addressed Sarah

“Good job, Don’t worry about work. If you need sometime to get your head straight that’s fine” Sarah told me

“I’ll be fine for tomorrow but I do need some time off at the end of the week for the funeral, If I decide to go” 

“No problem, Here get this down ya” Sarah said passing me & Kimberley a glass of wine each.

“Thanks, Where Fraz” I asked wondering where my pal was

“He’s somewhere, probably playing with the new decks he’s got the other day” Sarah replied

“Boys and there Toys” Kimberley giggled

“Hmm . ..Oh yeah how was Beyonce” Sarah asked giddily

“Amazing” Kimberley replied before I could

“Yeah it was Awesome” I said smiling at Kimberley again.

“I don’t doubt it, Heard great things about her tour” Sarah replied before taking a swig of her wine.

“You definitely need to see her Live Sarah” I told her

“Yeah I know, I’ve been meaning to Thank Kimbo for the Invite” Sarah said giving Kim a faux dirty look making me laugh.

“Sorry Sarah, You know they where Sals tickets” Kimberley hesitated 

“I know, Just having you on….Your so easy” Sarah said giving Kim a whack on the arm

“Ouch” Kimberley said rubbing her arm 

“Such a wimp” Sarah cackled 

Kimberley shook her head at Sarah before she turning her back on us attending to the food.

“Did she hurt you baby” I whispered

“A little” Kimberley pouted at me

I rubbed Kimberley arm on the spot Sarah had hit her then placed a quick kiss on her lips out of view of the blond.

“All better” I asked her

“All better” She smiled before Kissing me again

“Yuck” Sarah bellowed catching us 

Hanging By A Moment (Sequel to Funhouse)Where stories live. Discover now