Chapter 26

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We followed the signs and pushed open some heavy double doors right at the end of the corridor were a huddle of people sat in plastic chairs chatting amongst themselves. As we walked closer towards them Kimberley's grip on my hand tightened again and I felt my heart pound loudly in my chest.

A older lady, what I can only presume was Kimberley's mother stood to her feet and started walking her way towards us clutching a hankie in her hands.

Other siblings and family members now had spotted Kimberley as well and started there walk towards us, One face In the crowd I recognised was Kimberley's Sister, Sally and she was wearing a face of distain as she came bounding down the corridor over taking Kimberley's mother in the process.

"What's she doing here" She snapped as she stood in front of us.

"Sally drop it" Kimberley told her starring her down

Kimberley's mother approached Kimberley pulling her into a gentle hug "I'm glad you're here sweetheart"

"Is there anymore news, Mum" Kimberley asked hopeful

"Not really, Sweetheart.. .We'll know more when he comes out of surgery"

"What's she doing here, Kim" Sally started again as she looked at me in disgust

"Sally, Hush" Kimberley's mother scolded her

"Kim" I said squeezing her hand gently trying to gain her attention

"Babe" She said looking right at me, I could see Sally's face grow even more angry at her sisters affectionate name for me.

"I'm going to just give you a little space and let you talk to your family"

"You don't have to go anywhere, I don't want you to leave . . me" she told me her words catching in her throat and turning into a slight sob at the end

"Hey" I whispered placing my hand on her cheek "I'm not going far"

"You promise" She stuttered out

"I'm just going to go downstairs and phone Sarah, Ask her to go round to yours and pick up Lou-Lou" I said stroking the pad of my thumb over her cheek "We don't want him all on his own, Now do we" I smiled at her

"I'd forgotten all about him" She confessed

"You've got a lot on your mind babe"

"Don't be long" She whispered as I let go of her hand.

Her mother and sister watched us with quizzical expressions.

"I'll be as quick as I can" I told her

* * * * * *

I took the last drag of my cigarette and stubbed it out on the wall dropping it in the litter bin, To say I needed that was a understatement. When a elderly gent had offered me one a few minutes before I'd not had to think twice about it.

I then pulled my phone out of jeans pocket and dialled a familiar number.

"Chezzza" Sarah slurred down the phone

"Hey Sarah .. . You alright?"

"Yeah, are you? You sound a little horse"

"Not really, No" I said feeling my bottom lip quiver.

"Oh god, What's Kim done now. When I get my hands on her . . ."

"Its not like that, Sarah. I'm in Leeds with Kimberley at the hospital"


"Yeah her dads had a pretty serious car crash, He's in surgery now"


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