CFC day 2

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I woke up to the sun shining through my window. As I lay there I stretch and decide to get up and take a quick shower. I jump up and grab my black ripped skinny jeans and my Myles jersey. Since I promised him yesterday I would wear his jersey to the next show. I also got my navy blue vans to match the jersey.

After I was finished with my shower and got dressed I blow dried and straightened my hair. I left the little poof in my bangs that was natural. Everyone always calls me 'YungPoof' or 'BabyMyles' because of my poof. After I was all finished I walked down the stairs to the smell of bacon and pancakes. I wonder who's cooking?

I walk around the corner of the kitchen and see a girl standing there. Looks to be about the size of 5'1, bleach blonde hair & was dressed in spandex and a crop top and down short colorful ankle socks. The other think I noticed was how Myles was latched to her back as she cooked.

"Goodmorning?" I say plopping in top of the island in the center of the kitchen.

"Oh Goodmorning Jackie" Myles said lightly hugging me from the side.

The short blonde headed girl faced me and smiled so sweetly. "Goodmorning, you must be Jackie? Kalin's twin sister and Myles best friend?" She said so sweetly and softly.

"Yes I am, what's your name?" I said politely.

"I'm destiny, I'm Myles girlfriend" she said all bubbly like.

"Oh, I never recall him having a girlfriend" I laughed and poured me a glass of orange juice.

I watched her as she cooked and done so well at it. Myles was staring me down burning a hole thru the side of my head. "Be good" he mouthed to me. I just rolled my eyes and fascinated on my phone screen surfing they Twitter.

I decided to tweet (@YourGirlJackie: hmmm, aren't you just full of surprises😒)

My phone then vibrated (@YourBoyMyles: @YourGirlJackie please be good?)

I ignored his tweet and got up to go watch tv, I decided to put it on the MTV music countdown. The first song to come on was Kalin and Myles music video to trampoline. The girl in the kitchen squealed and ran into the living room fangirling and hugging on Myles. Once again I rolled my eyes and went to my room and watched tv by myself.


I haven't talked to Myles since this morning. He keeps texting me because everytime he comes up to me to speak to me I ignore him. I also ignore his texts. Kalin has noticed my sudden death glare around Myles and assured me he will dump her by tonight. He's always a hit and quit kinda dude anyway. I don't care how much he brings girls home. It always kills me to see him with another girl... He may only be my best friend but i still have major feelings for him.

"Jackie, will you please talk to me?" Myles begged trying to get my attention.

I ignored

"Jackie white." He demanded

I ignored

"You know you love me.. You won't ignore me much longer" he smirked.

I still ignored

"JUST FUCK IT!" He yelled and stormed away slamming the door behind him.

I got wide eyes and everyone looked at me confusingly. Uh oh.. I really pisses him off this time. Myles hates saying the F word unless he's really mad or he's having sex with a girl. The only reason I know that is because my room is right next to his room in our house. And he's it exactly quiet. If ya know what I mean.

I decided to get up and go outside to find him. He's probably outside skating on his skateboard. He skates when he's upset or stressed. I opened the back stage door and sure enough he was out back skating. He stopped and looked at me then continued skating.

"Myles" I said

He ignored me.


He ignored me still.

"MYLES BLAKE PARRISH WE NEED TO FREAKIN' TALK!" I shouted loudly and stormed up to him stopping his skating and almost making him fall.

"Wtf was that for Jackie?!" He hissed at me.

"I told you, we need to talk." I said calmly.

"About? How you're being a bitch to me for no reason?" He snapped at me again.

I felt the rage/hurt build up inside of me as I was about to hit him. Before I could think. My palm connected with his face as he winced in pain. I seen the rage build up in his eyes as he balled up his fist and screamed. He threw his board and walked away angrily. Oh wow.. Now I really did it I thought to myself.


It's been 2 hours since mine and Myles fight before his show. He hasn't spoke to me and I haven't spoke to him. Jake and Dom keep trying to make us speak but we both refuse.

"Jackie, go talk to him.." Jake begs.

"Jake.. He could care less what I have to say and I really don't care what he has to say at this point"

"Come on BabyMyles you know you don't mean that." Jake says.

"So.. Maybe I don't. But I'm still upset about this."

"And I understand completely.. Just go talk to him" Jake begs


I then walked up to Myles who was setting on the other side of the living room on his phone. He looked up at me and had a blank stare on his face. His lips formed a straight line as he had no care in the world at this moment in time.

"Myles we need to talk" I said calmly and quietly.

I watched as he locked his phone and got up making me follow him out back to the pool deck.

"I'm listening" he said bluntly.

I took a deep breath and let it all out finally.

"Myles, the reason I started this was because i was jealous. I'm always jealous of the girl you bring home. You're amazing and I want that to myself. I have feelings for you and you act like I'm nothing. And all you do is reject me and friend zone me." I said plainly.

Myles looked at me funny with a look I've never seen him have on his face before.

"What?" I questions him raising my eyebrow

"I'm sorry. But we're just better off friend" he said as he got up and left leaving me there.

Oh wow. I didn't even try and he friend zoned me again.. That's pathetic I even get friend zoned without even trying to date him. He's such a douche. He doesn't care about anyone but himself.

Later on that night we all stayed and slept in the living room like a big sleepover. Myles kept trying to cuddle with me like he does every sleep over but I kept scooting further away from him until I was up again Kalin. Myles finally gave up and rolled away from me sighing in frustration. That night was a long night. And a awkward one at that.

It's been you (Myles Parrish love story)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz