I love you babygirl

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Myles POV

I woke up.. Laying in what looked like a hospital waiting room.

"Myles, you can go in and see Jackie now" Katie said.

"When did you get here?" I asked raising up from the chairs I scooted together to make a bed.

"I few minutes ago, the doctors didn't wanna wake you, so I figured i would." She said. "How's your leg?"

I looked down at the bandage wrapped all the way around my knee, I remembered back to yesterday evening when it happened, it only split my knee open, but I'm okay.

"It's not really hurting, it's numb I guess" I said.

I slowly stood up and started walking down the long hallway, as I got closer to her room my hands got sweaty and my heart started racing.

"She's gonna make it Myles" Katie said.

I made it to Jackie's hospital room and I stopped. Flashbacks from my dream played over and over in my head.. Carter. My son. He was all a dream. Our marriage was all a dream.

The other day was only my 23rd birthday and Jackie is only 20.

My heart started breaking as I peaked around her curtain that was hanging around her bed. She was resting and had cuts on her face, arms and I couldn't see her legs to see how they were. Her arms were hooked up to all kinds of machines and she had a tube for breathing up her nose and she had a bandage around her head.

I walked next to her and squares down next to her bed and grabbed her hand placing it on my face, her hand was cold and dirty. I placed her hand back by her side and resting my hand on her arm.

"Hey Jackie, it's Myles. I'm so sorry this happened to you. I wish I wouldn't of made you go on tour with us. I was so excited for the Just for fun tour. There was nothing fun about this. I wish we wouldn't of traveled towards Syracuse New York, this wouldn't of happened to you. I wish the bus wouldn't of wrecked. Baby I. I really love you, I want you to know that. I'll always love you til I stop breathing. You're gonna make it through this I know it. You're so strong and your life is to precious to leave here. But, if something does happen, just know you'll alway and forever have my heart. You're my baby, my best friend. I love you to the moon and back babygirl. To infinity and beyond." I laid my head down on her stomach and cried. I cried for about 15 minutes until Kalin came in and pulled me away from her.

Kalin walked me to the waiting room and helped me set down. I looked up at him and he had a bandaid on the side of his forehead and a scratch on his chin. And he had blood on his white t shirt. More than likely where he pulled Jackie out of the bus right before it caught flames.

"Where Jake?" I asked looking around.

"He's home Myles, everyone is okay except for ya know. My sister." I said.

I looked down and breathed heavy and wiped my eyes. They began to water again and I cover them with my arm.

"Myles, she will be okay buddy I promise, she's a white." Kalin said as he sat down and rubbed my back.

I removed my arm and sat there staring at the floor.

"Ya know Kalin, I had a dream lastnight"

"What about?" He asked.

"About me, Jackie and a baby boy we had named Carter. Me and her was married and it lasted up until he was three then I was woken up. My god Kalin he was just like me and he was so precious and you were his favorite uncle ever, he called you uncle K." I said causing Kalin to grin a bit and giggle.

"I bet he was a sight" Kalin admitted.

"Oh he was precious" I said.


Next day

"Mr. Parrish" the doctor said as she walked up to me in the waiting room.

"Yes, ma'am?" I asked kinda worriedly.

"Ms. White has woken up and is asking to see you" the lady said.

I stood up and walked quickly towards Jackie's room. When I got to the door it was cracked open and I made my way in. Her curtain was opened and she was laying there staring up at the TV.

I cleared my throat, "hey baby"

"Myles, oh my god you're alive" she smiled. She reach her arms out weakly and I tears up a bit and walked over to her.

I hugged her gently and she kissed my cheek. A tear slipped down my cheek as her weak little arms was wrapped around my neck.

"I'm fine, I'm just glad you're okay. Baby, I'm so sorry I asked you to come on tour with us." I said holding her close to me.

She rubbed my back gently and kissed my cheek. "No, I wanted to come on tour with you. You didn't know the bus was gonna wreck. It's not your fault" Jackie said.

"The dream I had felt so real.. It was about us and we was married and had a son named Carter Blake Parrish and he was just like me" I said scratching the back of my neck and setting down beside her bed.

"Awh, was you scared?"

"At first yeah. But I got over it and helped you with him"

They smiled at eachother and enjoyed the evening the had together.

It's been you (Myles Parrish love story)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz