It was too good to be true

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Myles POV

I'm finally home after 7 months of being on tour. This was the hardest 7 months of my life... Not being able to see Jackie and no contact with her. It was just rough. Extremely rough. Today me and kalin decided we were gonna head out and do some stuff in the city. Spend some best friend time together. We haven't done that in a while.

Kalin also said he needs to talk to me about some personal things. There is so many things he could possible say to me at this point.

"Alright, guys. We're heading out now" Kalin said grabbing the keys as we both walked out the door.

•kalins POV•

Right now me and Myles are on our way to the beach, rather than the city. The beach just sounded better than going into town. We just left there lastnight after CFC. The car ride was pretty silent, the only sounds I hurt was the sound of Myles texting on his iPhone. "So Myles, when we get to the beach, I need to talk to you. About Jackie." I said.

I watched him look at me and nod his head then turn his direction back on his iPhone screen. "Okay, I'm ready to listen to anything" he responded.

About 45 mins later we arrived at the beach. Myles was walking around kicking the sand around under his feet. I noticed his attitude change all of a sudden he went from being kinds okay to completely tore up. "Myles, bruh. Let's talk" I said patting the spot in the sand next to me.

He sat down next to me and awaited our conversation patiently. "Okay, first thing first. You're absolutely perfect for my sister. And I know she loves you a lot. And I know you love her. Although she may be taking a break as of now. I know you two weren't officially together. But still, she needed a break and you need to understand that. No. While we were gone you shouold not of been worried. She did not talk to any other guys in that type of way. Cause she said she was waiting for you. She's still kinda iffy about the whole situation and is waiting for the perfect time to start over with you again. Even if that does mean restarting to when you guys were only friends." I sighed at the end. I was dreading telling him this. Cause I knew how much he loved her. He's gonna be crushed.

I watched as Myles got up walking closer to the ocean. He had his hands in his pockets and had his hood from his gray hoodie over his head (picture above). I knew he was thinking and thinking hard. I hate seeing him this way. He's been hurt more times than I can count and I know he's being pushed over the edge. I'm just scared as to how he reacts when he finally snaps.

Jackies POV
Back at the house•

"Dom!" I shouted as I stepped out of the kitchen. Her and Jake were setting on the couch watching phineas and ferb. Which is of curse JakeyP's favorite cartoon of all time right now. "The foods ready Dom. Jake, Myles and Kalin are bringing you back chipotle" I said to him. Dom stood up and walked to the kitchen to grab her plate of sushi I made. I'm really good at making sushi. I've knew how to make it since a young age.

"Katie, want some sushi sis?" I asked from the kitchen. She was in the living room on her laptop. "Rainbow sushi?" She question raising and eyebrow.

"Of course"

She then jumped up and grabbed her some sushi and then we all piled in the living room watching cartoons and eat except for Jake.

What seemed like 2 hours later Kalin and Myles finally came through the door with jakes food and Myles never said a word. He just went straight up to his room. "Did he eat?" I asked. Kalin shook his head no and looked down. "I can't even get him to talk. Let alone eat."

"I'll go talk to him"

We all watched Jake head up the stairs towards Myles room.

Myles POV

I laid on my bed and watched my ceiling fan go around and around and around. My mind was filled with so much I just couldn't see straight. But I was interrupted by my door being opened and closed shut. I turned my head in that direction to see Jake.

"Hey bub" he said setting next to me on my bed.

"Hey Jake"

"Are you okay bruh? You're worrying me. I haven't seen you this way since. Ya know.. That one chick" he replied.

"I'll be fine, Jake. I promise."

With a that he got up and head out the door only to stop in the door way and look at me "Myles. I say this because I love you. Jackie, isn't gonna leave you. It's just a break, we all talked earlier. She's yours and you're here cheer up buttercup." Then he left the room closing the door behind him.

Maybe Jake was right, maybe I still has a chance. I think I'll go and talk to her now.

I shot up out of my bed and ran down the stairs. I stopped at the bottom and looked around the room till I spotted Jackie criss cross apple sauce on the flood finishing her dinner. I walked to her and asked to speak to her alone. She agreed and followed me back up to my room.

"Something wrong cheeseburger?" She questioned me cause me to giggle at my nickname.

"I have to ask you something" I replied.

She nodded her head so I asked her.

"I know you wanna be friends and all, and I know you need a break from this because we don't get to see eachother because of my career and i understand that. But Jackie, I want you. I want you to be mine. I need you in my arms I need to feel your soft lips on mine. How your perfect fragile little hand fits perfectly into mine. How you petite little body is so light when I hug you and spin you around. I need that. I want that. Us. I want us. I want you to be with me forever and ever. Please? I love you. I love you more than I've ever loved anyone. Please, give me another chance?"

I watched as a tear slipped from her eye and down her face. She brought I up her hand a me gently wiped her face and eyes. She smiled at me and hugged me tightly after we pulled away she looked into my eyes and kissed me passionately.

"Myles, you're my best friend & I love you. But, it's best if we stay friends for a while.. Every since we started getting feelings.. Well I've always had them but every since you got them, we always fight and get hurt. It's not worth losing a friendship over.. Please just understand me?"

At this point I was ready to give up and just scream and let it all out. But I can't do that. She'll be upset with me.. I have to act as if I'm fine. "I knew it was to good to be true" I choked out. After that she walked out of my room and I just layed there. No emotion what so ever. Nothing. I need away, to be gone for a while. I'll go home to Texas to see my dad. That's what I'll do. I'll leave for a month or two. To think, I need to think.

It's been you (Myles Parrish love story)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz