Just for fun tour

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Myles POV

So I just got a call from mine and kalins manager who just told us we have another tour coming up called the "just for fun tour" I'm glad to be back in the business with K now.. But I don't know if I'm ready for tour since the last one.. Maybe this time Jackie can go with us.

I smiled at the thought of having her with me this time.

"Baby girl" I said light shaking Jackie who was still taking her nap. She moved away from me and covered her head with the blanket.

"Jackie" I said again ripping the blanket off of her.

"Shewwww! What Myles??" She snapped, smacking my arm away.

I moved back and got irritated "I needed to tell you something important, but fuck it now." I said crossing my arms and setting on the computer chair.

She sighed and rubbed her face in frustration.

"What is it?" She said snapping again.

"Never mind. It's not important anyways. I guess you'll find out on your own," with that I turned on my heels and went to talk out of the door.

"Stop." She said.

I stopped and turned around.

"What is it Myles?"

I never said a word, I just turned around and walked down the stairs not bothering to talk to her hateful ass.

Jackies POV

I rolled over and tossed my feet onto the floor, setting up and fixing my sweatpants and t shirt that I slept in. I slipped on my socks and headed downstairs.

When I reached the bottom of the stairs I overheard Kalin and Myles talking.


Kalin: man have you told her yet?

Myles: no...

Kalin: when are you gonna tell her we're going in your again in 2 weeks?

Myles: I tried this morning man, but she was hateful and wouldn't listen to me.

Kalin: you know my sister isn't a morning person YBM.

Myles: I know.. I kinda refused to tell her.

Kalin: there's your second mistake stupid.

Myles: I know...

End conversation

So that's what he was trying to tell me this morning. Maybe I shouldn't of been so harsh with him. I need to go an apologize.

I walked lightly into the living room to see Kalin and Myles standing three chatting to each other. When they seen me they both turned their attention to me.

"Good morning sissy" Kalin said hugging me.

"Good morning Bubba" I smiled in the hug.

"Good morning baby" I said pecking Myles lips.

"Goodmorning beautiful" he smiled at me.

"Can we talk?" I said grabbing his hand and leading him outback to the pool deck. I noticed he looked a little uneasy and he was kinda shaky and his hand was sweaty.


He cut me off, "please don't break up with me" he said worriedly.

I giggled at his sudden worried facial expression.

"Baby boy, I love you. I'm not gonna break up with you"

He sighed in relief and chilled down a bit. "Okay, what you need to talk to me about then?"

"I wanted to say I'm sorry for being so harsh to you this morning, I shouldn't of done that, it was uncalled for on my part. I should of just woke up and listened to you in the beginning. Forgive me?"

"Of course I forgive, now that we're back on this topic. We have a tour coming up in two weeks. It's the Just For Fun Tour! And I was actually kinda hoping you could go this time?"
He said and asked.

I smiled and thought about it..
"How long is the tour?"

"About 7 months"

I thought and finally decided it would be fun to go on tour with my favorites and the love of my life.

"Yeah, it would be a blast!" I said.

"Good! It's gonna be turnt, you can help with managing and stuff and helping me pick out my outfits." He said as he smiles at me and bites his lip.

Sorry for such a short chapter you guys. I'm not really in the creative writing mood today. But I might try to write some more tonight and maybe update tomorrow after school. Thanks for reading!

It's been you (Myles Parrish love story)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz