(67). - Close Call, but All Was Well.

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     After the match between the Dragon Strikers and
Flame Benders, the tournament kept going with other teams duking it out against eachother. There were several teams that had incredible coordination and teamwork that everyone in the crowd was absolutely astonished — while there were also other teams that weren't... The best at teamwork and coordination, and felt like were fighting their own teammates instead of the opposing team.

Around 7 matches have been played out so far, including the one between the Dragon Strikers and Fire Benders. This makes the tournament somewhat halfway done, as around 16 matches have been estimated, considering the amount of teams that have signed up.

Moving to the next match - the 8th one - Lavia took her stance out in the middle of the arena, while the crowd cheered on. Then, the two teams began to march out from the tunnels.
Lavia turned to face the left tunnel.

"From the left side — we have team 'Storm Crackers'!"

Lavia announced, the crowd cheering on loudly as the team walked out from the tunnel composed of 3 members — 2 second years and one third year. The second years were both polearm users, one of them, a girl with blue hair, wielding a spear while the other one, a boy with short grey hair, wielding a scythe. The last one, a third year boy with deep green hair, wielded a Greatsword, which he carried on his shoulder.

The team had only close range fighters, with two of them being vanguard and one being a straight up kamakazee type fighter. If Faofa was here, he'd call the team quite unbalanced.

After the Storm Crackers had come out into the field, Lavia turned to the right tunnel.

"From the right side — we have team 'Snowflake Dancers'!"

She announced, as three individuals walked out of the tunnel — all of them first years, and members of the misfit class. There was Jilk, Alexander and Rosalin each wielding their respective weapons being a Spear for Jilk, Greatsword for Rosalin and a
Bow and short sword for Alexander. A way more balanced team when it came to vanguard, main attacker and a ranged support.

To those who were experienced in fights, the winner of the fight was already obvious infront of their eyes. As the two teams took their stances infront of Lavia on either side, she turned her sides to both of them, before lifting up her left hand and looking at Storm Crackers.

"Ready Storm Crackers?"

Almost immediately, the third year boy with the greatsword nodded in response before smirking to himself, like he had already won.

Lavia then lowered her left arm before lifting up her right one and looking at Snow Dancers.

"Ready Snow Dancers?"

Festia crashed her Greatsword into the ground next to her and took a heroic stance, smiling widely with confidence before sharpening her gaze onto the other team.

"We're ready!"

She announced, looking at Jilk who was also prepared for the battle before throwing her gaze at Alexander, who also got ready.

Lavia nodded, before lowering her right arm and looking away.

"Then — I pronounce this fight, as begun!'

She announced, leaping back into the crowd behind the barrier. The moment the fight was pronounced as begun, Alexander leapt back, while the third year boy from the opposing team leapt in against Festia, attempting to strike her down in one strike before she could lift her sword.

Festia however smirked, before tightening the grip on her Greatsword and with the help of her individual skill, easily and quickly blocked the incoming strike, surprising the third year student.

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