Chapter Twenty Six

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     Annabeth had just gotten home from an appointment to see how well her aneurysm was getting. She hadn't seen Carlisle this time, but he would be giving her the results tomorrow. She felt good about the results she was going to get though, and that was all that mattered to her. She had even decided to dress nice, to show that she was feeling better than she had been before.

     It wasn't really dressing up to some people, but the boots alone would be hard for most people to walk in

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     It wasn't really dressing up to some people, but the boots alone would be hard for most people to walk in. She also always kept her Mötley Crüe shirts in pristine shape on a hanger in her closet, but today she decided to wear one, because she just felt the need to. As she headed towards the front door, she was a little surprised to see Edward and Bella leaving, and Bella was oddly wearing a baseball hat.

"Did I enter an alternate reality or something?" Anna questioned, causing Edward to chuckle.

"I'm taking Bella to play baseball with my family," Edward said,"Would you like to come?" He asked, but she shook her head.

"No thank you, I've got a book report to finish," She answered,"but good luck playing baseball with her."

     Edward laughed, seeing that both of Bella's family members believed she was bad at sports. Once Edward and Bella were gone, Anna went to her room and began to work on her book report. She had to read To Kill A Mockingbird, which wasn't a bad story, but like Homer Simpson had said, it had absolutely nothing about how to kill a mockingbird anywhere in the story.

     Anna was about halfway through the story, when she heard someone knock on her window. She looked over, expecting to see James, but instead she seen Emmett. She was very confused, and a little frightened.

"What are you doing here?" She asked, as she opened the window.

"Go down to the front door, tell your dad Crystal invited you out to dinner. You've got to come with me right now." Emmett stated, not giving Anna any time to argue.

     Anna did as she was told, even though she wasn't too happy about it. The moment she stepped outside of the door, and the door was closed, Emmett picked her up, and didn't even warn her before running to his house. She felt nauseous the moment he set her down, and if it wasn't such a serious moment, he would've laughed about it.

     He brought her inside, and lead her over to where everyone else was located. When she finally seen everyone, she was a little confused as to what was going on. Everyone looked worried or indifferent, and Anna knew she was about to be dragged into something that she didn't want to be a part of.

"What's going on?" She asked, looking around the room.

"When we were out playing baseball, a small Coven of vampires heard us. One of them, James, is a tracker. He caught your sister's scent. He's after her, and he won't stop until he's got what he wants," Edward said,"and we were afraid that if you were at home when the tracker went there looking for her, you would be another target; another game for him to play."

"This is crazy," She replied,"I can't — I don't wanna be dragged into this."

"I'm sorry," Rosalie commented, surprising everyone,"I didn't agree with them wanting to bring you here. I believe that the tracker will leave you and your father alone."

"You need to leave with Bella," Edward said, giving Rosalie a glare,"You'll be safer away from here."

"I'm not leaving," Anna replied,"I don't wish to be a part of this, and the stress it's gonna cause, is going to make my aneurysm worse. I just thinks it's safer to be here and not have to be so stressed."

"You could die!" Alice exclaimed, and Anna shrugged.

"I could die because of stress," Anna commented,"either way, I don't want to die, but it's a fifty fifty chance it'll happen. I'd rather take that chance at home."

"Are you sure?" Carlisle asked, and Anna nodded.

"I'll bring you back home," Emmett said,"then I'll be right back." He added, looking over at his family, and they nodded.

     Emmett gave Anna a warning this time, and she was able to close her eyes before he took off running. When he set her down on the porch, she was glad to be on solid ground. She waved goodbye, before she went straight up to her bedroom. She ran her fingers through her hair, trying to calm the stress that the Cullens and Bella had caused.

"Hello, Annabeth." She heard, causing her to quickly turn around.

"What are you doing here?" Anna questioned,"How did you find me?"

"That doesn't matter right now," The woman replied,"What matters, is what I have to do to protect my family."

"Wha--" Anna barely uttered, before the redhead grabbed her.

     Anna was dragged from her home and through the trees like she was a precious doll in the hands of a little girl. Once they were far enough away from Anna's home, the woman stopped running, and placed Anna on her feet. She grasped Anna's neck, and held her against a tree, limiting her oxygen supply.

"I wish we could've ended this on a better note," The woman said,"but you're the one who will save him."

"Save who?" Anna questioned,"Who are you?!"

"I'm Victoria." The woman replied, and Anna felt a cold chill go through her.

     Anna wasn't able to ask anymore questions, the woman, Victoria, wouldn't let her. She covered Anna's mouth, turned her head to the side, and leaned forward, biting into her skin with her razor sharp teeth. Anna tried to scream, but Victoria held tight to her mouth to keep her quiet.

"It'll be over soon, Annabeth, then you will be stronger and better than you ever were before." Victoria cooed, as she ran her fingers almost soothingly through Anna's hair.

     All Anna could feel was extreme pain, almost like fire through her entire body. The pain was horrible, but eventually, everything came to an end...

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